A Talented Team

Feature StoryJuly 16, 2010

Joining Ohio Wesleyan University’s Office of Development are Jim Hess (left), Jayn Bailey, Jim Kenny, and David Chambliss. Photo by Cole Hatcher. Four…

Cutting-Edge Collaboration

Feature StoryJuly 16, 2010

Shown visiting the National Superconducting Cyclotron Lab at Michigan State University are (left to right): Rob Anthony ’10, Stephen Kuhn ’12 (Earlham…

Shakepoverty – Featured Video

Feature StoryJuly 16, 2010

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vibPtazHKRA An international effort to help end extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa was conceived at Ohio Wesleyan University…

The Leader of the Band

Feature StoryJune 28, 2010

The Central Ohio Symphony is offering someone the opportunity to lead the orchestra at its annual Fourth of July concert. The lucky winner will conduct…