Highlights from DZ’s Jell-O Week Events
Feature Story – September 23, 2010
Delta Zeta Sorority’s slimy, fun events during Jell-O Week raised $3,000 for The Delaware Speech and Hearing Center. Highlights from two events are featured…
Delta Zeta Sorority’s slimy, fun events during Jell-O Week raised $3,000 for The Delaware Speech and Hearing Center. Highlights from two events are featured…
As part of the Healthy Bishop Initiative, the fitness center at Stuyvesant Hall is open for more hours each day. (Photo courtesy of OWU’s Office of Marketing…
(Photo by Suzanne Samin ’13) Members of OWU’s Sigma Chi fraternity, including Sam Newman ’12 (left) and Bob Kuhlenberg ’12, helped with Delaware’s…
The compilation, analysis, and presentation of data about Ohio Wesleyan University are important tools used for strategic planning by many people inside…
Lizzy Petrie ’12 and her father, Jeff Petrie ’83, stand on the steps of 35 Williams Drive. Lizzy is living in the newly renovated building—her father’s…
(Photo by Alex Crump ’13) Nearly 425 college admission counselors and high school guidance counselors from Ohio and neighboring states visited Ohio…
OWU Shakepoverty Ambassador Tim Goodman ’11 and his new friend Femi look at a water pump during Goodman’s summer visit to Nigeria. (Photo courtesy…
(Photo by Alex Crump ’13) OWU’s Panhellenic Council and Council of Fraternity Presidents hosted their first Greek Carnival on Wednesday afternoon…
Each fall, OWU students share the results of their intensive summer research projects at the Patricia Belt Conrades Summer Science Research Symposium.…
In his 2008 inaugural address, Ohio Wesleyan University President Rock Jones, Ph.D., encouraged the campus to dedicate itself anew to the noble ideas …