If you would like to sign up, please fill in all of the following information, and we will be in contact with you very shortly. Please spread the word about this amazing event: Ohio Wesleyan’s Bishop Champion Games!! We look forward to receiving your information soon.

Since this is a community service project put on by the Ohio Wesleyan Athletic Council, there is no cost for registration.

Note: All information required unless otherwise noted. Online Registration will close Friday, April 22, 2022 at noon.

* = required field

Contact Information

Name *
Address *
Home Phone Number *
Cell Phone Number (optional)

Other Information

Events (limit to 4 events) *


Please print and fill out the waiver PDF (available in the navigation links for this site), and bring with you the day of the event!


Please feel free to share any comments you have about the Bishop Champion Games registration experience.

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