Below is the complete Constitution of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association.

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association.

Article II. Mission Statement

The mission statement is: “Upholding fraternal excellence by establishing a Greek community that is cohesive and supportive.”

Article III. Object

The object of this Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain fraternity life and interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing to:

  1. Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life.
  2. Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement.
  3. Cooperate with member fraternities, the Interfraternity Council, campus community, and the university administration in concern for maintenance of high social and moral standards.
  4. Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS and policies.
  5. Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Council as do not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member fraternities.

Article IV. Code of Ethics

We, the undergraduate members of women’s fraternities at Ohio Wesleyan University agree to promote honesty, respect, and sisterhood through adherence to the UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS and all the amendments established by the National Panhellenic Council. We agree to uphold and demonstrate the Panhellenic spirit in thought, word, and action through our chapters as well as individual members. We recognize friendly relations with all collegiate women, Greek and non-Greek, realizing the importance of mutual trust and cooperation. We shall adhere to the relationships between chapters and with the Panhellenic Council in order to establish a process more conducive to timely and efficient management of information. It is in accordance with the dignity and good manners of fraternity women to avoid disparaging remarks about the fraternity or college women and avoid publicity on Panhellenic matters which are not properly the concern of nonmembers. All recruitment programs will be planned to provide opportunities for the greatest possible number of women to become fraternity members, while protecting the rights and privileges of both the individuals and the chapters. As the members of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Council, we shall stand by these ideals that shall guide our actions.

Article V. Membership

The regular membership of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all chapter members in good standing of National Pan-Hellenic and National Panhellenic Conference fraternities at Ohio Wesleyan University.

Article VI. Officers

  1. The officers of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Co-VPs of Recruitment.
  2. The officers shall be delegates from fraternities holding regular membership in the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association.
  3. The officers shall serve a term of one year, the term of office to begin no later than the fifth week of the second semester.
  4. Any officer failing to perform her duties as outlined in the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association’s Bylaws shall resign and a successor be designated by a special election.

Article VII. Meetings

  1. Regular: The Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall hold regular weekly meetings. 2. Special: A special meeting of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association may be called by the President when necessary and shall be called by her upon the written request of any regular member fraternity at Ohio Wesleyan University.
  2. The delegates from each regular member fraternity shall be responsible for notifying her chapter members of all regular and special meetings of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association.

Article VIII. The Panhellenic Council

The administrative body of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall be The Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Council. It shall be the duty of the Panhellenic Council to administer all business related to the overall welfare of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association and to compile its rules governing the Panhellenic Association, including recruitment, accepting a bid, and becoming a new member, which do not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member fraternities.

  1. Membership: The Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Council shall be composed of one delegate, or alternate delegate, and the president, or a vice-president, from each National Pan-Hellenic and National Panhellenic Conference fraternity colonies or national sororities at Ohio Wesleyan University as the council may approve for membership in the Ohio Wesleyan Panhellenic Association.
  2. Selection of Delegates: Delegates to the Panhellenic Council shall be selected by their respective fraternity chapters to serve for a term of one year commencing no later than the fifth week of the second semester.
  3. Delegate Vacancies: When a delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the fraternity concerned to select a replacement within two weeks and to notify the Panhellenic Council Secretary of her name, email address, campus address, and telephone number. When a meeting of the Panhellenic Council occurs while a delegate vacancy exists, the alternate delegate of the fraternity concerned shall fulfill the duties of the delegate.
  4. Officers: The officers of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall serve as the officers of its Panhellenic Council. These officers shall serve as the Executive Board of the Panhellenic Council and shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed in the Bylaws of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association.
  5. Meetings: Meetings of the Panhellenic Council shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning of each college term or semester. Special meetings may be called following the provision outlined in Article VII #2.
  6. Quorum: Two-thirds (4) of the member fraternities shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.
  7. Voting: a) The voting body of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall be its Panhellenic Council. b) The voting members of Panhellenic Council shall be the delegates of each fraternity holding regular membership. If a delegate is absent, the vote of her fraternity shall be cast by its alternate. If both delegate and alternate are absent, the vote may be cast by the president or a member of the fraternity providing her credentials have been presented in writing to the Council President prior to the meeting. c) Two-thirds (4) of the voting members of Panhellenic Council shall be required to establish recruitment guidelines, to determine quotas, and establish total chapter size, and to set the dates of the new member period as well as the deadline for initiation, and to add a chapter. A majority vote shall be required to carry all other questions.
  8. Voice: The alternate delegate and chapter presidents to the Panhellenic Council shall have voice but no vote.

Article IX. Panhellenic Advisor

  1. The Panhellenic Advisor shall be chosen by the Administration of Ohio Wesleyan University.
  2. The advisor shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association and its Council. It is desirable that the advisor has experience as a Panhellenic Advisor or be a member of an NPC, NIC, or NPHC fraternity.

Article X. Standing Committees

Such standing committees and special officers as may be necessary to carry out the work of The Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Council shall be appointed by its Executive Board to serve during the tenure in office of the Board which appoints them.


  1. All members of the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association shall act in accordance with fundamental Panhellenic policies established by National Panhellenic Conference in the UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS (The Panhellenic Compact, Standards of Ethical Conduct, College Panhellenic’s Agreements, Agreements on Questionnaires and Constitutions, and The Jurisdiction of a College Panhellenic Council).
  2. All Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Association rules and policies shall be in harmony with those currently established by National Panhellenic Conference.

Article XII. Violations

  1. Violation of any regulations of this constitution or its related Bylaws, Recruitment Guidelines, other policies of the National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS (The Panhellenic Compact, Standards of Ethical Conduct, College Panhellenic’s Agreements, Agreements on Questionnaires and Constitutions, and The Jurisdiction of a College Panhellenic Council) shall be the occasion for penalties established by the Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Council in conformity with those recommended by National Panhellenic Conference (See Manual of Information Section J).
  2. Any dispute growing out of violation of Panhellenic Association rules and regulations shall be adjusted through arbitration principles or the National Panhellenic Conference.

Article XIII. Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (4) vote of the voting members of Ohio Wesleyan University Panhellenic Council provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at the preceding regular meeting. (Revised and Updated December 1999 by Jamie L. Abbott, Panhellenic Council President) (Approved on September 2001 by MaryBeth Skoch, Panhellenic Council President) (Revised and Updated October 2002 by Kimberly Hogan, Panhellenic Council President) (Revised and Updated August 2006 by Amanda L. Matthews, Panhellenic Council President)