Capital University, Otterbein University, and Ohio Wesleyan University

An NPHC City-Wide fraternity or sorority is defined as a collegiate chapter consisting of two or more colleges and / or universities where membership can be generated. Each NPHC City-Wide Chapter operates under one constitution / bylaws, one set of elected officers, one initiation, and is chartered and recognized by the organization’s national headquarters. Capital University, Otterbein University, and Ohio Wesleyan University recognize NPHC City-Wide Chapter status of fraternities and sororities that are unable to charter a chapter exclusive to a specific campus. Members of these chapters may be enrolled at any of the above-named institutions or other participating institutions per charter.

To be allowed to use college / university facilities, recruit members, advertise events, and approach the Interfraternity, Panhellenic, or Greek Council for associate membership status, NPHC City-Wide Chapters must adhere to the following policies, which have been established to ensure the success of the NPHC City-Wide chapters on each respective campus.

  1. Maintain current files at each institution with the University Greek Advisor. All items listed below must be submitted by September 30. (If the chapter wants to do programming prior to September 30, they must submit the information below at least two weeks prior to their planned event.) All items must be updated immediately and submitted to the Greek Life Office when a change occurs during the year.
    • Copy of chapter charter
    • A grade check release form for each member
    • A signed anti-hazing statement from each member and potential member
    • List of affiliate institutions
    • Brief history of the national and local chapter
    • Complete roster information
    • Advisor addresses and phone numbers
    • A national and chapter constitution
    • A roster of officers, inclusive of chapter representative and NPHC representative
    • Local, national, regional, and international officers
    • A copy of the chapters membership intake and education programs
    • Proof of Risk Management Certification (for chapter advisor)
    • Any information requested by the respective institution as it relates to active status.
  2. Fulfill all the requirements for student organization recognition as specified in the respective institution’s policy.
  3. Be in good standing with the national organization, the graduate / alumni chapter, and advisor.
  4. Maintain a positive working relationship with the Intrafraternity (IFC), College Panhellenic (CPH), and / or Greek Council, which includes at least one face-to-face meeting and / or activity per term with officers from the council (this can include attendance at IFC / Panhellenic / Greek Council meetings and / or events in which the goals and activities of the City-Wide Chapter and governing council are shared and discussed).
  5. Designate one chapter representative for each campus, preferably a student enrolled in the respective college / university, to serve as the primary liaison between the institution and the chapter. The representative must meet with a staff member in Fraternity & Sorority Life on a regular basis (a minimum of at least once per term) as a means of maintaining open communications and cohesiveness among the university community.
  6. If an NPHC City-Wide Chapter has violated University policy, the Dean of Students, or designee, will immediately contact the organizational advisor to review the institution’s hearing process.
  7. In the event that an NPHC City-Wide Chapter’s recognition is suspended from an institution, the sponsoring graduate / alumni chapter, regional directorate, and affiliate institutions will be immediately notified of this action.
  8. Recruitment and membership intake process activities may not commence on any campus prior to approval through the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office. This approval and notification must include the names of all students who will be involved in the intake process and the intake time frame. Both an Intake Petition Form & a Notice of Membership Intake must be completed prior to any Intake activities. The expectation will be that this information will be treated with discretion, not being broadly shared until such time that the organization has made the official announcement of these students’ full membership.
  9. Prior to beginning the intake process, the Fraternity & Sorority Life office must either be invited to attend and speak briefly during at least one informational meeting or be given the opportunity to meet one-on-one with each potential new member in order to meet them, share expectations, and share resources.
  10. Once an intake process is complete and the students have “crossed” into full membership with the organization, an official announcement must be sent to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office and the Office of Multicultural Affairs (this can be in the form of an email).
  11. All events / activities to be scheduled on individual campuses must have prior approval through the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office.
  12. All events must adhere to the college / university guidelines.
  13. In the event that an NPHC City-Wide Chapter does not have a member enrolled on a campus, the designated chapter representative and advisor must maintain regular contact with that institution’s Fraternity & Sorority Life office to maintain active status. Chapters without a member enrolled may host cultural, recruitment and/or educational events at the respective institution, but not social events.

NOTE: University / college policies, including those which prohibit those not enrolled at the institution from participating in certain college / university activities, shall take precedence over these guidelines.

NPHC City-Wide Chapter Policies, Updated May 2008

Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life


Hamilton Williams Campus Center #143
Student Involvement Office
P 740-368-3170

Social Media

Instagram @owugreeklife