Parking Policies
Welcome to OWU’s Parking Policies website. Here you’ll find information on how to buy a permit, where you can park, and how to pay a fine.
**Parking Permit Delivery Update**
Thanks Bishops for staying on top of ordering your parking permits. Ohio Wesleyan was informed that shipping is behind schedule from our permit vendor and we don't expect to receive the physical permits until at least August 28. Keep ordering your permits now though and we'll have them ready for you as soon as we can! Remember, even with relaxed parking enforcement the first week of classes, avoid accessibility spaces (unless you have a state issued placard) and fire lanes. Neither are OK to use to unload vehicles. Avoid A spaces during peak hours; peak hours are from 8am to 3:30pm M-F.
OWU – A Walking Campus
Most residential buildings are located within a 10- to 15-minute walk of academic buildings. We encourage students to keep vehicle traffic around campus low and reduce residential-to-academic area commuting.
Parking Improvements
We've done a thorough review of parking data and have a comprehensive understanding of the parking challenges on campus. Here are some insights:
- 75% of all parking demand is tied to just five residence halls on campus.
- Our highest concentration of demand is within the north residential area; which includes Smith Hall, Stuyvesant Hall, and Hayes Hall.
- There is a sufficient supply of parking spaces on the residential side, but the distribution of spaces, compared to the distribution of demand, causes an uneven use of spaces and results in students being displaced in a "domino" like effect across parking lots.
- "Residential commuting" from residence halls to academic spaces exacerbates parking issues on campus.
Our parking data told us a story of what challenges we have to overcome to make the parking experience better on campus. Read more about Phase One and Phase Two to see how we're addressing these challenges.
Phase One: 2022-2023 Academic Year
- We're changing visitor spaces into overnight C spaces in the side Hamilton-Williams Campus Center (HWCC) parking lot.
- Some parking lots are getting care and attention to improve the visibility of parking spaces.
- We're changing our off-peak hours so students can park in A spaces, without getting a ticket, from 3:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. the following morning.
- Previously, off-peak times were from 4 p.m. to 6 a.m. This means you can sleep in a little bit longer and still move your car in time to not get a ticket!
- Remember to watch for signs that say restricted or reserved 24/7 – you can still get a parking violation in those spaces.
- We're consulting a parking expert with over 20 years of experience in signage and wayfinding to guide our efforts.
Phase Two: 2023 Academic Year and Beyond
- We will be converting "letter" permits into zones to better control the distribution of demand and supply of parking spaces on campus.
- Signage will be standardized and easier to spot.
- First-year parking will move to other lots within a 10-minute walk of Smith Hall.
- At least one lot will be for commuters only so they can better plan the time it takes to get to campus and park.
One last note about the future of parking at OWU. Change is always tough, but we're using data and subject matter experts to maximize a finite resource. Here are some ideas that we explored, but decided didn't fit with the OWU experience:
- Permit lotteries: While the people who got permits would be happier, we didn't think it was fair to tell some people they couldn't have a car on campus.
- No first-year parking: Students drive from all around the country to come to OWU and again, we didn't think it was fair to tell at least 25% of our student population that they couldn't have a car.
- New parking lots or parking garages: With new buildings or renovations, we'll keep an eye out for opportunities to add parking spaces. However, parking lots and especially parking garages, are really expensive. Open source research tells us that a new parking garage costs on average $7.25 million to $10.15 million.
Parking Rules
Ignoring these rules can earn you a ticket, vehicle immobilization, vehicle removal (towing), or even get your parking permit revoked. So please read on and be familiar with OWU’s parking rules.
- Parking is enforced 24/7. That means even on the weekends, you must abide by parking rules.
- Display your parking permit at all times when parking at OWU.
- Park only in zones your permit is designated for and observe off-peak parking limitations.
- Only use an accessibility space if the state issued you a placard or license plate.
- Accessibility placards issued to a third party (such as a family member) and used fraudulently may be reported to the State of Ohio and/or include additional City of Delaware fines on top of Ohio Wesleyan fines.
- If you switch vehicles in the middle of the academic year, please contact the Public Safety Department to update your permit registration.
- Do not transfer or share your parking permit.
- Do not park in fire lanes (usually noted by a painted red curb and/or signage).
- Do not leave your vehicle unattended in active loading/unloading zones. (If you’re not in or standing next to your vehicle with your keys, it’s unattended.)
- Do not park in marked reserved spaces.
- Do not make your own parking space. (That is, do not park in the grass or outside of an unlined parking space.)
- Do not block accessibility parking spaces, entrances, or ramps.
- Do not park on city streets in a way that blocks the driveways of local residents. They have the right to freely access their property.
- Ohio Wesleyan does not enact or enforce city parking rules. You are responsible for understanding and abiding Delaware City's rules when using city parking lots or on-street parking. We are unable to appeal a city ticket on your behalf.
Obtaining a Parking Permit
- Permit sales begin Aug. 1 each academic year.
- Faculty and Staff may request an A permit.
- Second-year+ students are eligible to purchase B permits ($175).
- First-year students are eligible to purchase C permits ($175).
- Transfer students classified as sophomores or above are eligible for B permits.
- All students are eligible for remote lot D permits (free).
- Students may purchase a permit mid-academic year for 50% off ($87.50).
- No pro-rated cost or discounts will be applied, regardless of the time of purchase.
- Students may register one passenger vehicle and one motorcycle/scooter (if applicable).
- Oversized vehicles that require multiple parking spaces are not permitted.
- Motorcycles will be issued D permits, unless it is the sole vehicle registered to a student and in which case B or C permits are an option. Please call the Department of Public Safety for guidance. Motorcycles, as a second mode of transportation, cannot take up A, B, or C spaces.
- Electric bicycles are not considered motorized vehicles for the purpose of OWU parking policies, and they do not require a permit. They may not be parked in parking spaces, and should use available bike racks instead.
- Trailers or other non-motorized items may not be stored in parking lots.
- All sales are final – refunds are not issued for unused permits.
- Students who lose parking privileges from excessive fines and/or improper behavior are not eligible for refunds.
- Owning a permit does not mean that you will always get to park in the closest lot to your building.
- You are responsible for knowing and abiding by all OWU parking rules.
- Non-state issued accessibility permits may be obtained through the Accessibility Services Office. Check out the Accessibility Services Office website or send the office an email. Injured athletes may also discuss accommodations with Athletic Training staff.
Where Am I Allowed to Park with my Permit (Peak Hours)?
Use the interactive OWU campus map to view lots and their primary parking designation.
Always look for signage within lots that restrict parking. For example, there are a few A spaces within residential lots for Residential Life Coordinators (RLCs). Their spaces are always 24/7 restricted because they live and work on campus.
As mentioned above in the Buying a Permit section, owning a permit does not guarantee you will always get to park in the closest lot to where you want to be. Overflow parking at the Roy Rike soccer field is always available and no more than a 10-minute walk to any residence hall. Feel unsafe walking for any reason? Use the new OWU safety app to have a virtual escort, take a Safe Ride (when operating), or call the Department of Public Safety for an escort home.
Off-Peak Parking
Outside of the busy parking times, we loosen up some of our parking regulations to allow you more options to park on campus. This is known as off-peak parking.
Off-peak parking occurs:
- Weekday evenings from 3:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. (unless otherwise marked)
- Weekends from 3:30 p.m. Friday through 8 a.m. Monday
- Holidays from 3:30 p.m. (the day before the holiday) through 8 a.m. (the day after the holiday)
- Example: For the Fourth of July, off-peak parking starts July 3 at 3:30 p.m. and ends July 5 at 8 a.m.
Any permit holder may park in any A space during off-peak hours, as long as the space does not have additional rules affixed to signage at the space or lot entrance. C permit holders may also use additional academic side B spaces. D permit holders may use additional academic side B & C spaces. The academic side is defined as lots located east of Liberty St.
Examples of where off-peak parking does not apply (but are not limited to):
- Any space marked “Reserved”
- Health Services spaces
- Residential Life Coordinator parking spaces
- Accessibility spaces, commonly referred to as handicapped spaces
- Loading zones
- Grass areas (which are never OK to park in)
Non-Permit Holders
Non-permit holders will be subject to fines, vehicle immobilization, and/or towing depending on the location and nature of the parking violation. Remember, a D permit is free for all OWU students.
Visitor Parking & Temporary Permits
Got a friend coming to visit Ohio Wesleyan? We’ve got you covered.
- A temporary visitor permit can be obtained for up to three days, free of charge! Contact the Public Safety Department at 740-368-2222 during normal business hours to obtain the permit.
- There is a catch. They’re your friend, so it’s your responsibility to make sure they know where they can and cannot park on campus. The sponsoring OWU student is responsible for any traffic citation(s) received by the visitor.
- In rare cases, a long-term temporary permit may be issued for a total of 14 days (or fewer) during the academic year at no cost through the Department of Public Safety. You may apply for a Temporary Parking Permit by using this link.
Designated Visitor Events
- Visitors attending evening and weekday events may park in non-residential lots, everything east of South Liberty Street, between 3:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. without a permit.
- A designated event is any lecture, concert, athletic event, or other university event that has been communicated to the Department of Public Safety in advance. Student groups hosting events requiring visitor parking should consult with the Student Involvement Office for assistance in making their request.
- Free visitor parking is available year-round on the lower level of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center (HWCC), but overnight parking is not allowed. Fines are issued from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. in the HWCC lots.
- Parking meters are scattered throughout campus and may be used for low-cost, short-term visitor parking needs. They are coin-operated only.
Parking Violations
Parking tickets and immobilizations (boots) are meant to discourage unwanted parking behaviors. The Department of Public Safety does not receive any direct proceeds from ticket revenue nor do we have quotas on how many tickets to issue. We'd be happy to write zero tickets a year! You don't like being ticketed, and we don't like adding stress to your life.
However, vehicles in violation of OWU parking regulations will be ticketed. Vehicles illegally parked in accessibility spaces, no parking zones, fire lanes, reserved employee spaces, interfering with university business, or otherwise obstructing traffic may be towed without warning.
- Any vehicle receiving more than four tickets in an academic year may be ticketed and booted on all subsequent violations.
- Reckless and unsafe behaviors may result in the immediate termination of all parking privileges.
- Vehicles not displaying a valid permit are subject to vehicle immobilization on the third ticket.
- Vehicles that cannot be booted for any reason, including tire size, are subject to immediate towing.
- Vehicles may be booted for up to 72 hours, during which time the locking mechanism may be removed by paying a $75 fine. If a vehicle is immobilized for any reason and extenuating circumstances result in deferring the $75 boot fee at the time of removal, an additional $20 administrative fee will be assessed as a result of the deferment. The total cost of removal of the boot with deferred payment is $95.
- After 72 hours, we may choose to continue using the immobilization boot or the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense, and any ticket or boot fees will be added to the overall cost of recovering the vehicle.
- After a vehicle has been booted three times, the student may lose all on-campus parking privileges, and the student’s vehicle may be towed from any campus property.
If you get a parking ticket, but your vehicle was not immobilized, pay tickets online here.
If your vehicle was immobilized, pay the ticket and then the boot removal fee. The fee may be paid online here or at the Public Safety Department located in Welch Hall. Cash (exact change only) or check accepted. Credit cards are accepted during normal business hours only. If paid online, a copy of the email receipt must be provided before the removal of the immobilization device.
Boot fees cannot be transferred to a student account. Unpaid fines will be transferred to the student’s account with a $5 posting fee per citation. Once an unpaid fine is transferred, you may no longer use the above online payment resources and instead must pay through the Accounting Office in University Hall, Room 018.
Important notes:
- Improperly removing a boot may damage a vehicle as well as the boot and may result in criminal and OWU conduct charges. Vehicle boots are to be removed only by Public Safety Department personnel.
- Do not attempt to move your vehicle while an immobilization device is in place. It likely will damage your vehicle.
- Students are subject to being sent to Student Conduct Office for failure to register and display a parking permit. You are, in essence, stealing parking service on campus.
- Students may be referred to Student Conduct for problematic behavior(s) and/or excessive parking violations.
- Unpaid tickets/fines may result in referral to Student Conduct and a suspension or permanent loss of parking privileges.
- Students may contact the Student Conduct Office at 740-368-3175 or visit the Public Safety Department to discuss the appeals process for any tickets issued by Public Safety officers.
Parking Appeals
Any student receiving a citation for an alleged parking violation(s) may appeal the citation through the Student Conduct System. All appeal requests must be submitted within seven (7) days of the date of the citation.
Request a Parking Appeal
All parking appeal requests are reviewed and decided by a panel consisting of a member of the Public Safety staff and student representatives. A letter regarding the outcome of this review is then sent to the student’s email address. All decisions made by this panel are final.
There are three possible outcomes from an appeal.
- The violation is removed from your record and all fines are cleared.
- The fine is cleared (you don’t pay), but the violation still occurred and remains on your record. The violation counts against your total count of tickets received.
- Your total ticket count affects when you may begin getting “booted” or your parking permit rescinded.
- This usually happens when you’re in the wrong, but maybe you had extenuating circumstances or don’t have a history of violating parking policies.
- The appeal is denied. The citation and violation remain in effect and must be paid.
If your vehicle was immobilized, pay your boot removal fee within 72 hours, regardless of whether you are appealing the violation. If the appeal is successful, you will be reimbursed the full amount of any fees or fines paid.
Parking Appeal Denied?
Any student whose parking appeals are denied has 20 business days to pay the fine. Fines can be paid online, or by cash or check in the Accounting Office, Room 018 of University Hall. Any fine not paid by the deadline is posted to the student’s account without additional notice.
Vehicle Security
Ohio Wesleyan is not responsible for any theft or loss associated with parking or operating a vehicle on campus. Most lots have lights and are patrolled by the Department of Public Safety. We do not actively patrol city-owned streets or property.
We recommend the following advice to minimize the chance your vehicle could be the target of a criminal:
- Secure your vehicle.
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle.
- Do not leave keys in or hidden in your vehicle.
- Do not leave loose change or money visible in your vehicle.
- Register your vehicle with the Department of Public Safety (get a permit, free or paid).
- Avoid walking alone late at night; use the Safe Ride program or call the Department of Public Safety for an escort if you don’t have a friend to walk with (740) 368-2222.
Non-Motorized Vehicles
As a non-motorized vehicle, a bicycle is permitted on campus sidewalks, driveways, and related streets for transportation use. Bicycles should be stored in the bicycle racks located throughout campus property. Bicycles are not permitted inside public buildings and bicycles locked to objects other than bicycle racks – specifically, but not limited to handrails, trees, benches, and signs – are subject to immediate removal and confiscation.
If a bicycle is confiscated, it will be retained by the Department of Public Safety for no less than six months, after which it may be converted to University use, donated, discarded, or destroyed.
Skateboards, Longboards, Non-motorized Scooters, etc.
Non-motorized vehicles are permitted on campus sidewalks, driveways, and related streets for transportation use. These non-motorized vehicles are not permitted for recreational use anywhere on campus – in particular not on any buildings, architectural features on or near any University buildings, or property.
Any non-OWU persons found to be violating the above guidelines will be asked to leave University property and could be subject to criminal charges.
OWU students found to be violating these guidelines are subject to student conduct charges and may be responsible for the cost of repairs or replacement of the structure or item damaged.
Department of Public Safety