Something for Everyone at Stuyin’ Up All Night
What better way to celebrate Friday the 13th than by an outdoor movie screening of “Ghostbusters” and campus ghost tours led by OWU public safety officer, John Ciochetty? Both were “spirited” highlights of this year’s Stuyin’ Up All Night, year two, a celebration of community and the beautifully refurbished Stuyvesant Hall. As the event coordinator and resident life coordinator Meredith Dixon explains, the planning group considered last year’s suggestions.
“New this year were the outdoor movie, a variety gameshow, and a photobooth,” she says. In addition, more games such as chess, checkers, Jenga, and outdoor “giant” bowling were part of this year’s party. About 500-600 students were there. Groups such as the Campus Programming Board (CPB) and VIVA Latinoamerica as well as residential life staff members worked hard to plan this event.
“One big highlight was the “Grant Edmonds Variety Gameshow, sponsored by CPB Milligan Hub,” says Dixon. Students danced the night away, had fun playing the “Dating Game,” and even walked the catwalk during a fashion show. And then there were the two chocolate fountains appearing later in the evening.
“Meredith was the brains behind the program, but she had a lot of help from others who pulled together to make the event a success,” says Wendy Piper, assistant dean of student affairs and director of residential life.
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