Holistic Advising Module
Priorities and Progress
- Work on enhancing our Holistic Advising software (Starfish) so it better supports students and enables advisors to be more effective
- Coordinating with Brian Rellinger, Associate Provost for Academic Support
- Working with various groups on campus to plan and manage Starfish networking
- Meeting with representative from Starfish
- Research and recommendation into an advising structure (model)
- Recommendation for a Director of Advising
- Met with Provost
- Reviewed past position descriptions at OWU
- Benchmarked against other advising programs
- Assisted in planning and presenting the advising workshop at the beginning of the fall 2022 semester
- Recommended Starfish for notes of record related to advising
- Gathered preliminary resources for future Holistic Advising at OWU home page. Completion will be coordinated with the Director of Advising
- Identified potential hurdles in achieving a Holistic Advising model here at OWU