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Approximately 800 alumni and friends from classes ending in 4 and 9 returned to campus May 17-19 for Reunion Weekend, featuring all-alumni events in the new central location on the JAYwalk. Save the date now for Homecoming & Family Weekend Oct. 19-20.
Allen Snyder ’69 presents Rock Jones with a check representing the 50th Reunion class gift.
Members of the Class of 1984 showing off their Bishop gear include, from left (front row): Carrie Harris, Carol Uth, Rae Ann Logan Herman, Amy Eiken, Wendy Frantz Stonecash, (back row) Mike Sprague, Brad Hina, Larry Brandon.
(From left) Louis Schuster, Carol Shuster ’69, Carol Collins Slover ’69, and Robin Bates pause to snap a selfie in from of Beeghly during their 50th reunion.
Khadija Adams gets a treat for her daughter Anne from the ice cream station that welcomed visitors to the House of Black Culture open house.
Bob the Bishop leads the Parade of Classes down the JAYwalk to the Celebrating OWU program in Gray Chapel on Saturday of Reunion Weekend.
Mackenzie Sanczyk ’21 drives a golf cart for attendees enjoying their reunion. (From left) Kerry Buckwalter Sophocles ’94, Amy Doyle Ahern ’94. Back row: Lucy Dodds Loring ’94 (back turned) and Eileen Cawley ’94.
Trustee Aaron Granger ’93, Khadija Garrison Adams ’04, Barbara McEachern Smith ’74, Morton V. “Pete” Smith ’71, and Reginald Surmon ’73 are among those who returned to campus for the rededication of the newly rebuilt Butler A. Jones House of Black Culture.
Meeting from the Class of 2014 are (from left): Priyanka Venkataraman, Cody Reinsel, Seung-Wan “Andrew” Paik, Saar Rajpuria, Maxwell Richards, and Ooreoluwa Ladipo.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Marina Metzler ’12 and Gamma Phi Betas Mary Rhodes Metzler ’79, Joan Fuhrer Baxter ’79, and Su Hallenbeck ’79 enjoy the affinity reunion for all Greek alumni.
The Bishop flexes with friends from the Class of 1979 including, from left: Tom Clemons, Karen Yassky Clemons, Annie Roetzel Hess, and Dorothy Geyer.
Nursing program members from the Class of 1981 gather, from left: Amy Jackman Schmidt, Marsha Herrmann Tilden, Virginia Spellman Black, Melody Klockner, Jan Hawthorne Maxson, and Sonya Winner Valerio.
(From left) Leanna Bucceri Daniels ’10, Meghan Warren ’09, Yaser Helal ’09, Nick Baker ’09, Kim Leary ’09, Grant Daniels ’09, Amanda Zechiel-Keiber ’09, Val Sloboda Weyand ’09, Anthony Davis-Rosato ’09, and Sarah Bruno ’10 stop at the fountain to document the moment.
Jeff Donaldson ’04 and Melissa Donaldson ’04 pause for a photo with their kids by the fountain.
(From left) Randy Wortmann ’64, Nancy Thomson Wortmann ’65, Dick Cassell ’64, Ann Colson Cassell ’64, Sophie Harned Gibson ’64, and Thomas Gibson met up on Friday afternoon.
Catherine “Cathy” Winkler Olds and Lorraine “Lorry” Swatik Szabo lead the annual Parade of Classes as representatives of their Class of 1949, the oldest class to return for the weekend.