Creating a Legacy Internship

Attention Supervisors: Internship Proposals are being accepted until Friday, March 4, 2022, at 11:59 pm for the 2022-2023 year.


The primary purpose of the Legacy Internship Program is to give legacy students the opportunity to develop marketable job skills while they attend Ohio Wesleyan. All internships must provide legacies with substantial work experience. A legacy internship can be created in any on-campus academic department or office. StAP and Legacy Internship positions can exist within the same office.

Guidelines for Advisors

Advisors to legacy interns will function as supervisors as well as mentors. In keeping with the stated goals of the program, students must engage in a meaningful work experience. The advisor will not only supervise the student but also help facilitate the development of professional job skills.

Legacy Internship Program Goals

  • Create new on-campus employment opportunities for legacy students.
  • Fund an existing Legacy position that meets all of the guidelines of the Legacy Internship Program.
  • Enable offices, programs, and departments without funding for work-study positions to employ legacy students for special assignments and projects.
  • Enable legacy students without work-study or need-based financial aid to work on campus in a specialized capacity.
  • Enable legacy students to work with faculty on special scholarship or research projects.
  • Offer legacy students the opportunity to explore areas of possible employment interest.

Legacy Internships Should NOT

  • Overlap or replace existing work-study jobs in offices, programs, or departments.
  • Employ legacy students as "teaching assistants" or low-level personal research assistants.
  • Require a legacy student to work more than six hours in a given week.
  • Employ a legacy student in the same position more than once.

Apply to Create a Legacy Internship

To apply for a Legacy Internship, you must complete the Legacy Internship Proposal Form  (COMING SOON) describing the proposed internship. 

Internship Approval

Final approval of the internship proposal lies with the Legacy Coordinator. Proposals will be evaluated based upon their compatibility with the goals of the program, the number of interested student applicants, and available funding.

Once you have completed all student interviews, you must fill out the Supervisor Ranking Form.

2022-2023 Legacy Supervisor Ranking Form (COMING SOON)