Ohio Wesleyan's Admission counselors are here to answer your questions and give you expert advice. We hope these podcast episodes and blog posts will help you navigate the complex process of choosing the right college for you.

Bishop Banter (podcast)

We are back for Season 2 of Bishop Banter! Come "Banter" with Courtney and Conner about all things Ohio Wesleyan. This season covers brand new topics that will give you an insight into student experiences at OWU.

Listen now!


Blog Posts

How to Create a Strong Application in the COVID-19 Era

Want to take your college application forward to better in the disruptive COVID-19 era? OWU Admission Counselors provide easy tips to help you submit the best possible application for college admission.

READ: How to Create a Strong Application in the COVID-19 Era

Ways to Optimize Your Virtual Visit

Making a college visit plan can be an exciting and sometimes overwhelming process. How many colleges should you visit? Which colleges should you visit first? What makes similar colleges stand out from each other? What if you can’t visit the college campus?

READ: Ways to Optimize Your Virtual Visit

How To Optimize Your On-Campus Visit

Did you know your college visit tour guide often provides the most comprehensive window into the student experience? Learn what to ask, observe, and how to plan ahead to make the most of your college visit.

READ: How To Optimize Your On-Campus Visit

Questions to Ask When You Have None

What questions can I answer for you? No matter what college you visit, you're bound to hear this question multiple times. Don't shy away from it. Let this list empower you to ask questions that will help you make the best college choice.

READ: Questions to Ask When You Have None

Fact Check: Early Decision and Early Action

Early Decision? Early Action? What does it all mean, and will either help you get into the right college? The jargon can be so confusing. I mean, do you have to be a morning person to do "Early Action"?

Read: Fact Check: Early Decision and Early Action

Ohio Wesleyan Faculty Posts

OWU faculty are active and engaged with the world. They have thoughtful opinions, big ideas, and they share them in a rich campus conversation.