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Slocum Hall 302
Delaware, Ohio 43015
Students and families tell us that cost is a real barrier to a high-quality education.
More than 99% of Ohio Wesleyan students receive scholarships or need-based financial aid.
Ohio Wesleyan offers generous merit scholarships that recognize student academic achievement and start at $15,000. All applicants are considered for merit scholarships.
Please explore the range of scholarship opportunities offered to Ohio Wesleyan applicants for admission.
Merit Scholarships
All admitted students will be considered for a range of merit scholarships, most of which start at $15,000. Students will be informed of their award when they receive their admission decision or shortly afterwards. Academic achievement in high school is the primary consideration for this award.
Wesleyan and Schubert Scholarships
Top applicants will be invited to compete for the Wesleyan and Schubert Scholarships. The Wesleyan Scholarship is a $10,000 award offered in addition to other merit scholarships a student might receive, and the Schubert Scholarship is a full-tuition award that replaces other merit awards. Eligible students will receive notification at the time of admission and will be invited to compete for the scholarships on one of three dates in January/February (and/or virtually, as circumstances warrant).
Alumni Referral Award
The Alumni Referral Award is a $4,000 award ($1,000 per year) given to students who have been referred to OWU. Referrals must be received by May 1 of the student's senior year of high school. Alumni must complete the referral form available here.
OWU Visit Award
Any prospective OWU student who visits before May 1 of their senior year, and enrolls at OWU for the following fall semester, will be eligible for the OWU Visit Award worth $4,000 ($1,000 each year)! This award will be in addition to any merit-based scholarships you receive upon admission to OWU.
Meek Community Service and Leadership Scholarship
The Meek Community Service and Leadership Scholarship, worth $10,000 per year (or $40,000 over the course of four years), rewards two incoming, first-year students each year who exhibit outstanding participation in community service and strong leadership skills. Students who receive this scholarship are expected to maintain their high standards of service and continue to lead within the Ohio Wesleyan community. The Meek Scholarship can be stacked on top of other awards a student may receive upon admission. Apply for the Meek Community Service and Leadership Scholarship by February 1.
Choose Ohio First Scholarship
Ohio Wesleyan is a recipient of a Choose Ohio First grant, which enables us to offer ten $5,500 scholarships (renewable for four years) to incoming first-year students who intend to pursue studies in a STEM (science (including the health professions), technology, engineering, or mathematics) field. The grant intends to assist Ohio residents, with preference given to marginalized and middle-income students, with college costs, allowing them to pursue their educational goals and develop the skills they will eventually apply in a professional environment. To this end, scholarship recipients are guaranteed an internship or research opportunity.
Recipients must be Ohio residents, have a 3.0 GPA, intend to major in one of the STEM areas listed on the application and submit their Choose Ohio First Application by March 1. Once admitted to OWU, eligible students will be notified via email and will have access to the Choose Ohio First Application in their student portal.
Life/Eagle Scout and Silver/Gold Girl Scout Scholarships
An unlimited number of Life or Eagle Scouts and Gold or Silver Award Girl Scouts will be selected by Ohio Wesleyan University and awarded a $32,000 annual and renewable scholarship for up to 4 years, worth over 65 percent of tuition and mandatory fees. (If awarded, the Scholarship will replace the previously awarded merit scholarship of a lesser amount.) The deadline to apply is March 1.
Dr. Charles Thomas Scholarship
Ohio Wesleyan celebrates the courage, character, and life of Dr. Charles Thomas, Class of 1905, in establishing the Dr. Charles Thomas Scholarship in his memory. For those selected as Dr. Charles Thomas Scholars, Ohio Wesleyan will meet 100 percent of demonstrated financial need for all four years as determined by the FAFSA. Eligible students will have participated in a college access program during high school. The deadline to apply is March 1.
Department Awards
Merit awards are also conferred by various academic departments, including Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Economics, and Education. These scholarships are awarded based on competitive review (portfolio, audition, and/or interview) by respective departments. Award amounts vary. Students must submit their application for admission before they can apply for the Fine Arts and Performing Arts scholarships. Students will be notified upon admission if they are eligible to interview for awards provided by the Economics and Education departments. The deadline to apply is March 1.
Esports Awards
OWU Esports Scholarships will be offered each year to students who intend to participate in the new Esports program. At least ten $1,000 scholarships will be offered based on skill and merit. Learn more about OWU Esports!
Marching Band Participation Awards
Marching Band Participation Awards will be offered each year to students who intend to play with the Marching Bishops Band. Up to five, $500 scholarships (with small increases offered each successive year) will be offered based on an audition.
Child/Spouse of Clergy
This award, valued at 50% of the tuition of the student's first year of enrollment, is given to dependent children and/or the spouse of an ordained minister (with the benefit of pension) under the appointment of a Bishop of the United Methodist Church, either in the local church or beyond the local church. This scholarship is not stackable with other merit awards, and retention of the scholarship requires recipients to remain in good academic standing at OWU.