The general fees at Ohio Wesleyan are comparable to those at institutions of similar size and reputation.

International Students' Tuition, Costs, and Fees

The table below reflects the direct and indirect charges for the 2022-2023 academic year (all figures are in U.S. dollars). 

Billed Charges

[1] The Health Fee supports on-campus health and wellness services and cannot be waived.
[2] First Day® Complete fee includes required course textbooks and learning materials. Students who wish to obtain their course materials independently can opt-out online beginning August 1 through September 1, 2022. 
 Fee/Cost  Amount 
Tuition $49,962
Student Activity and Health Fee[1] $560
First Day® Complete Fee[2]
Standard Room (Housing) $7,370
Average Board (Meal Plan) $6,375
Total Average Base Annual Cost for International Students $64,987

Estimates of Out-of-Pocket Expenses*

 Fee/Cost  Amount 
Supplies $520
Personal $1,800
Transport to Program $2,000
Health Insurance Fees[3] $2,168
Sub-Total $7,208
[3] Health Insurance Fees appear on student accounts when fall semester fees are posted. See below for details.

As Reported in Financial Expenses Fields of US Immigration Form I-20

 Fee/Cost  Amount 
Tuition and Fees $51,242
Living Expenses $18,785*
"Other" Health Insurance $2,168 
TOTAL $72,195
* Out-of-pocket expenses vary greatly.  Personal spending habits vary greatly.

F­-1 and J­-1 students will need to certify that they have financial support for their stay in the United States before we can issue Form I-­20.

Students who do not return home for winter break should budget approximately $1,000 for living expenses. Students who do not return home in the summer should budget approximately $5,000 for living expenses from early May to late August. Students who choose to enroll in summer school should budget an additional $1,960 per course.

Special fees are charged for chemistry labs, studio art courses. physical education activity courses, student teaching, off­-campus study, and private music lessons for students not seeking the Bachelor of Music degree (varies). Other special fees may be charged for specific academic or extracurricular activities.

Mandatory Student Health Insurance Fees.  All international students will be enrolled in the University’s student health insurance plan. For international students, only ACA plans offered by employers or embassies that include medical evacuation and repatriation coverage will meet the waiver guidelines.

Please visit the AHP website as it includes helpful resources for:

Benefits and coverage details

Instructions for downloading insurance cards

Finding network doctors, hospitals and pharmacies

Contact information for AHP and Wellfleet

As is typical of health insurance plans in the USA, there are copayments and deductibles. (Students may have up to $5,000 in uncovered charges per year.) Please have your parent(s) / financial guarantor(s) review this information. 

Office of International Admission


Slocum Hall
75 S Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015
F 740-368-3314

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