To apply for the Ohio Wesleyan in Tanzania program, you must fill out the standard application form as presented below. You will also provide information about your suitability for the program through essay and formal interview. Once the deadline for applications has passed, you will be asked to sign up for an interview, which usually lasts about 15 minutes. Before the deadline for applications, you should schedule a meeting with Professor Quaye to discuss your qualifications and goals for the program.
The essay must be submitted with the application form. It must not be more than a page (single spaced). In this essay, you should explain why you want to participate, personal and future goals and plans. Mention courses you have taken that relate to the program or interest. A student’s GPA will continue to play a significant role in the acceptance process.
The deadline for the application is October 1st. Students will be notified no later than October 15th about the status of their application.
Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.