We believe every Ohio Wesleyan student should be immersed in new cultures and new environments - it's an essential part of a 21st-century college education.

We live and work in a world of global markets, global climate, and global communities. To live and lead in this world, you must have a global perspective.

With The OWU Connection, you have many options for getting off campus and exploring the world. You can build your global experience to match your own personal goals.

  • Take a Travel-Learning Course and connect what you learn in class with a week or two studying wildlife in the Galapagos, music in France, or Literature in Great Britain.
  • Spend spring break working with fellow Bishops in volunteer service in New Orleans, Chicago, or Haiti.
  • Dive into an entire semester at a leading university from Spain to New Zealand.

Get your passport ready.


In the News

Administrative Director of OWU Connection


Darrell Albon
Slocum Hall 311
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3072
E djalbon@owu.edu