Sherwood Dodge Shankland Award for Encouragement of Teachers (2006)

2005-2006 Commencement Ceremony Excerpt

I am pleased to announce that the winner of the Sherwood Dodge Shankland Award for the Year 2006 is assistant professor of English, Dr. Karen Poremski.

Dr. Poremski earned the B.A. in English Literature at the University of Maryland-College Park and then went on to earn the M.A. in English Literature and Certification in Teaching Composition at San Francisco State University. Dr. Poremski earned her Ph.D. in English and Certificate in Women’s Studies from Emory University. She came to Ohio Wesleyan as an assistant professor in 2002.

Karen has published over a half dozen articles on the political and cultural issues pertaining to racism, Native Americans, and feminism. She has served on WCSA and has consulted with our Assessment Committee and Multicultural Recruitment Committee.

Dr. Poremski is, according to her students and, again, in their words: “intelligent,” “well organized,” “impressive,” “amazing,” “approachable,” “enthusiastic,” “first rate,” “awesome,” “stellar,” “dynamite,” “fresh air.”

As one student put it, “I learned more in her English class in one semester than 4 year in high school English. She has instilled in me a desire to write well and be proud of it.” And another student commented “ Dr. Poremski is a tremendous teacher. She has the unique ability to make students feel comfortable enough to participate in class discussion without the fear of giving a wrong answer. Keep her.”

Karen, some great tributes! Congratulations!

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