Student Research
What are OWU students and alumni doing with their microscopy skills? Here's just a small sample...
OWU alumna Josephine Koltek is studying the tail papillae of different male nematode species to compare what she sees with species described in published papers.
OWU alumnus Davide Ordosch viewed two different types of nematodes that were found in millipedes to see if they are new species by looking at their morphological structures.
OWU alumni Hira Idrees and Megan Fris viewed imaging embryonic fish and their follicle (placenta) to characterize the physical features.
OWU alumna Chelsea R. Dennis studied pores in clay filtration as a means of bacteria removal to compare differences between different kinds of clay.
Hands-On Experience
“I took a scanning and transmission electron microscopy class at OWU, and we actually got to operate the microscopes ourselves. That’s unheard of. Even in grad school, we weren’t allowed to operate them.” - Briana Zellner ’13