Students may elect to change any Spring 2020 course that normally requires a letter grade (A-F) to Credit / No-Entry instead. Returning students may make this revision to their grading option any time between receiving their final grades and Thursday, September 24, 2020. Graduating seniors should make this revision by noon Friday, May 8, 2020. For information about selecting this option, read the Instructions for Electing Credit / No-Entry page.

Credit / No-Entry Grading

As per the OWU Catalog, Credit / No-Entry grading works as follows: “The student will receive a regular letter grade in the course, and this grade will be converted to the Credit / No-Entry notation. If the grade earned is C- or better, the student will receive a grade of S (credit) on the transcript. If the grade is lower than C-, no formal entry of the course will be made on the transcript.” Credit / No-Entry grades do not impact a student’s GPA.

Exceptions to Regular Policy

For this semester ONLY, classes taken with the Credit / No-Entry option WILL fulfill major, minor, and competency and distribution requirements, including foreign language and English Composition Requirements, even though that is not normally allowed in the Credit / No-Entry policy. Students may elect this option for any or all of their Spring 2020 classes. Additionally, classes taken on a Credit / No-Entry basis during the Spring 2020 term will not count toward the maximum limit of 4 Credit / No-Entry units toward the 34 units needed to graduate.

Things to Consider

Credit / No-Entry grading may be the best choice for your current situation. However, because letter grading is still required to impact your term GPA, as well as your major, minor and cumulative GPA, give careful consideration if you are in the following circumstances:

  • You need to achieve GPA minimums for your major, minor and/or cumulative GPA requirements.
  • You want to qualify for honors at graduation.
  • You want to avoid falling behind in credits toward graduation.
  • You need to earn a minimum number of credits per semester to remain eligible for financial aid.

We encourage you to discuss your options with your instructor or faculty advisor.


Faculty will submit a standard letter grade at the conclusion of the term. Students will receive their grades as usual and be given the option to select Credit / No-Entry for any of their courses. Once they have selected the option for a particular course, the Office of the Registrar will then convert the grade to an S (Satisfactory) [for grades of C- or higher] or remove the course from the transcript [for grades lower than C-].




Office of the Registrar
University Hall 007
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3200
F 740-368-3210

Office Hours

M-F   8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1:30-5 p.m.