The Checklist for Academic Requirements and Degree Audit forms provide students with information regarding degree requirements and tools to track their progress towards graduation. Please note the following:

  • This information does not replace the need for a senior checkout or consultation with the academic advisor.
  • Degree requirements can change from year to year. Be careful to select the correct catalog year for the major.
  • Not all majors have a degree audit. If an audit does not appear on this page, students should consult their department’s website for more information.

Checklist for Academic Requirements

The Checklist for Academic Requirements outlines the general requirements for all degrees. There are differences in the Distribution Requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Health and Human Kinetics major, Early Childhood Education major, Theatre major, and Dance major. Please be sure to use the correct form. If your checklist is not available, please consult the OWU Course Catalog.

Degree Audits for Majors and Minors

Degree audits can be reviewed by students and advisors at The audit will show which courses are needed to complete a specific major and what courses have been completed or are in progress. It is in a student’s best interest to review their audit and make sure it looks correct. If corrections are needed please reach out to the Registrar’s Office at

For more information regarding graduation please go to



Office of the Registrar
University Hall 007
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3200
F 740-368-3210

Office Hours

M-F   8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1:30-5 p.m.