
Mack M. Wade

Residential Life Coordinator

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Hamilton-Williams Campus Center
Room 213

Tiffany Y. Wade

Associate Director of Transfer Admission

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740 368-3049

Slocum Hall

Rex J. Waldenmyer

Public Safety Officer Part Time

740 368-2222

Welch Hall
Room 133

Henry E. Walkowicz


More Information

937 594-5082

Hugh M. Wallace

Dining Services, AVI Food Systems

740 368-3287

George E. Wallace

Part-Time Bus Driver

740 368-3423

Maintenance & Service Building

Tammy Perakis Wallace

Assistant Director

740 368-3606

Richard M. Ross Art Museum
Room 1

Rob E. Walton

Associate Director of Admission

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Slocum Hall

Mike Glenn Ward

Assistant Football Coach

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740 368-3753

Edwards Gymnasium
Room 3

Kay E. Warren

Part-Time Instructor in Education

Garry Paul Wasserman

Part-Time Instructor in Performing Arts

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Sanborn Hall
Room 101

Mallorie M. Watts

President's Office Intern

Margie Katherine Watts

Student Mail Room Associate

740 368-3389

Hamilton-Williams Campus Center
Room 3

Tom Bale Watts

Head Football Coach

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740 368-3732

Edwards Gymnasium
Room 110

Katie Pusateri Webster

Director of Alumni Relations

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740 368-3329

Mowry Alumni Center
Room 204

Karen A. Weeks

Part-Time Instructor in Fine Arts

Stacy L. Weible

Physical Therapist

Tony L. Weikel

Part-Time Instructor in Performing Arts

Jil S. Weinstock

Part-Time New York Arts Program

Matt D. Weiss

Assistant Men's Soccer Coach

Edwards Gymnasium

Julie K. Weller

Administrative Assistant to Vice President/Visit Coordinator

740 368-3030

Slocum Hall

James P. Wendling

Assistant Women's Soccer Coach

Edwards Gymnasium

Kenneth B. Wentworth

Contract Employee

Delaware Entrepreneurial Center at OWU
Room 214

Laren M. Wenzell

Associate Director of Admission

740 368-3035

Slocum Hall

Emily J. West

Assistant Professor of Accounting

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740 368-3548

R.W. Corns
Room 210

Mary A. Wheeler

Part-Time Activity Instructor, Health and Human Kinetics

Andrew L. White


Jennifer M. Whitehead

Associate Professor of Performing Arts

More Information

740 368-3703

Sanborn Hall
Room 105

Emily F. Whittaker

Part-Time Instructor in Performing Arts

Mark J. Wicker

Assistant Circulation Manager

740 368-3228

Beeghly Library

Harold D. Wiebe

Professor of Math and Computer Science

More Information

740 368-3656

Schimmel/Conrades Science Center
Room 392

Barb J. Wiehe

Greenhouse Spvr./Environ. Hlth and Safety OFC

740 368-3504

Schimmel/Conrades Science Center
Room 198

Dacy L. Wilcox

Senior Major Gift Officer

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740 368-3922

Mowry Alumni Center

Braden O. Williamson

Contract Employee

Elizabeth E. Willis

Part-Time Instructor in World Languages and Cultures

Martha W. Wilson

Part-Time Instructor in Journalism

Bethany A. Wiseman

Public Safety Officer

740 368-2222

Welch Hall
Room 133

Chris Wolverton

Professor of Biological Sciences

More Information

740 368-3503

Schimmel/Conrades Science Center
Room 339

Kathryn M. Wood

Assistant Coordinator Peer Tutoring and Coordinator of ASC

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Robert A. Wood

Public Safety Officer Part Time

740 368-3945

Welch Hall
Room 133

Evan T. Woods

Part-Time Instructor in Philosophy and Religion

Dawn M. Wright

Academic Assistant

740 368-3631

Elliott Hall
Room 110

Reilly M. Wright

Class Notes Editor, OWU Mag.

Adam C. Wyse

Part-Time Instructor in Education


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