Contact Information
Marching Band Directors
Professor of Music
Chris Lizak, DMA
Asst. Marching Band Director
See what it is like to be a part of the Marching Bishops!!
The OWU Marching Bishops would like to invite all interested high school band students to join us on Saturday, November 12, 2022 for our annual Visit Day! You'll get to experience a full OWU game day, enjoy a fantastic tailgate party, and jam with the band in the stands as we cheer our team on to victory!
Please follow the link to sign up-we look forward to spending the day with you! Sign up HERE!!!
The best place to park to line up with us for the campus parade is at the West Parking Lot A between Corns Hall and Beeghly Library. Please check the OWU Campus Map for all venues and parking options.
Here's the Visit Day Itinerary for Saturday, 11/12/22:
10:45 AM
All Visit Day guest band members are invited to line up with the Marching Bishops at the JayWalk fountain (between Hamilton Williams Student Center and Beeghly Library). The Marching Bishops will lead the cheerleaders and football team in the Bishop Walk campus parade stepping off at 11:00 AM.
11:15 PM
Lunch for band and guests at the Band Tailgate party just outside the north gates of Selby. We’ll have options for meat lovers, vegans, and gluten free diets.
12:00 PM
Visit Day band guests and OWU Marching Bishops have a 30-minute rehearsal at the Selby north picnic area to review our music and how we'll get on and off the field together at halftime.
12:45 PM
Pregame Show! Visit Day guests watch the Marching Bishops performance from the band seating area in Selby (section D).
1:00 PM
2:15ish PM
All Visit Day guests stay with our color guard instructor (Kortney Reed) to be ready to join us on field midway through our Disney show when we perform the Moana song, “Thank You”. Flip folders are OK!
2:25ish PM (immediately after the show)
4:00ish PM
Post-game tunes and end-of-game Alma Mater tradition with OWU football team.
Check out the music parts for Thank You as well as the rest of our fall folder HERE.