
All candidates should submit electronically a portfolio of scores and recordings for two or three completed works. Scores should be PDFs generated from music notation software such as Sibelius, Finale, or Dorico. Either live recordings or MIDI recordings are acceptable.

Candidates must also perform a live audition on their principal instrument or voice to demonstrate proficiency. Please consult the instrumental/vocal requirements for guidance, and prepare any two works of contrasting styles. Plan to perform for about 7–8 minutes.


Department Contact Info


Ohio Wesleyan University
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
P 800-922-8953
F 740-368-3314

Department Contacts

Chair: Frank Chiou
Associate Professor of Music

Academic Assistant: Lisa Hill
740-368-3700 (Sanborn)
740-368-3846 (Chappelear)