Program Contact Info
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
Program Contact
Professor of Politics and Government
Elliott Hall 308
Horizons International is a student organization that promotes cross-cultural friendship and understanding through social and educational programs. Among these are various nationality days, international dances and dinners, and lectures and discussions on global issues such as hunger, poverty, and terrorism. Membership provides IS majors with an excellent opportunity to expand their acquaintance with different cultures.
Horizons initially formed specifically for foreign students. The aim of Horizons is to increase cultural awareness on our campus and bring events for the year that will be fun and educational for the campus community. Horizons organized a campus-wide campaign involving other organizations and interested individuals to raise funds for flood victims in Horizons Int’l — Pakistan Flood Relief Pakistan. It served as the umbrella organization which coordinated the different groups on campus that were responsible for the collection of food points,canned food, water, etc. The response from the campus community was overwhelming.
Contact Horizons on Campus Labs or on Facebook.
Amnesty acts on the basis of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international HR instruments. Through practical work for prisoners within its mandate, AI participates in the wider promotion and protection of human rights in civil, political, economic, social and cultural spheres.
OWU Amnesty International is a campus chapter of the larger Amnesty International—a worldwide movement of more than 2.2 million members in more than 150 countries who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. For more information, contact
Student Initiative For International Development (SIID). SIID focuses on sustainable, long-term international development. It raises money via various fundraisers and charity events and invest said money in micro enterprises overseas through
The Chinese Culture Club and VIVA. promote international understanding and encourage all members of the Ohio Wesleyan community to braoden their horizons by increasing their exposure to various cultures.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Chapter provides a warm environment where Jewish students can explore their Jewish heritage, celebrate Jewish life, build community, and ask questions.
Euro Club promotes European awareness and appreciate of European culture and its impact on the world. They host events such as Oktoberfest and participate in the annual Heritage "Fair"
The Citizens of the World House, House of Language Diversity, and Peace and Justice House all provide students with an excellent opportunity to live in a residential area where they will constantly be exposed to various aspects of international life and culture, as well as promoting a more diverse culture on campus.
The Office of International Student Services has increased Ohio Wesleyan's visibility abroad. Our enrollment of international students rose from 40 in 1975 to 175 students from 45 countries in 2007-8. The rich cultural diversity on the Ohio Wesleyan campus helps to prepare its graduates to become citizens of an increasingly interdependent global society. Director Darrell Albon, International Student Services, Hamilton-Williams Campus Center 213, 368-3070.
The Ohio Wesleyan Debate Association is a British Parliamentary/Worlds style debate team. This style of debate has an especially international focus, with common motions being something like "This House Would Abolish the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU." It offers IS majors an excellent opportunity to expand their analytical skills in the area of international relations while improving speaking skills and increasing confidence. The team placed 12th at the Worlds Universities Debate Championships in 2010. The academic adviser for the team is Dr. Goran Skosples.
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