Through the John Kennard Eddy Memorial Lecture on World Politics fund the Department of Politics and Government and the International Studies Program have been privileged to bring to campus world class speakers for the past 25+ years. We appreciate this very generous gift of John and late Ellen Eddy to generations of Ohio Wesleyan students, faculty and staff in Jeff's memory.

Below is a list of the prominent speakers brought to OWU through this lecture series.

John Overpeck
Dean of the School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan
Global Climate Change, Water Security and Ecosystem Disruption: Higher Scientific Coincidence Than You Might Think

Julianne Smith

George Marshall Fund, former National Security Adviser to Vice-President Joe Biden
Defining Moment of Déjà Vu? The Future of the Transatlantic Relationship 

Beth Simmons
Andrea Mitchell University Professor in Law and Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
The Future of Human Rights

Sumit Ganguly

Professor of Political Science, Indiana University; Rabindranath Tagor Chair, Indian Cultures & Civilizations; Director, Center on American and Global Security
The Significance of South Asia for World Politics

Mark R. Beissinger
Professor of Politics, Princeton, and Director, Princeton Institute for International & Regional Studies
Ukraine, Russia and the End of the Post-Cold War Political Order

Douglas Brinkley
Professor of History at Rice University, bestselling author, and presidential historian for CBS News
Vietnam, Walter Cronkite and Today’s Foreign Policy Lessons

John Ikenberry
Professor, Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
The Rise of China and U.S. Policy in East Asia

Robin Wright
Award Winning Journalist and Author
Rock the Casbah:  Rage and Rebellion Across the Islamic World

Bruce J. Dickson
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, The Elliott School of International, Affairs, The George Washington University
Updating the China Model:  New Goals for a New Decade

Andrei Codrescu
MacCurdy Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Louisiana State University
What is an Immigrant, What Makes an American?

Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
Former Dean of the Kennedy School, Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard University, Sultan of Oman Professor of International Relations
The Powers to Lead

Strobe Talbott
President, Brookings InstitutionWhy the World is Watching Ohio: American Politics in the Age of Globalization

Jeffrey D. Sachs
Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development; Professor of Health Policy and Management, and Special Advisor to UN Sec.-General Kofi Annan
The End of Poverty

Jessica Stern
Lecturer in Public Policy, Faculty Affiliate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill

General Anthony Zinni
Former 4-Star Commander of CENTCOM; Special envoy of President Bush to the Middle East Peace Process
American Grand Strategy and the Future of the Middle East

John J. Mearsheimer
Professor of Political Science; Co-Director, Program on International Security Policy, University of Chicago
The Flawed Logic of Bush Administration Foreign Policy

Robert O. Keohane
James B. Duke Professor of Political Science, Duke University
September 11th and Its Impact on International Relations

Robert Gilpin
Eisenhower Professor of Politics and International Affairs Emeritus, Woodrow Wilson School Princeton University
Politics, Economics and Security in a Global Age

General Wesley Clark
Former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe/NATO
U.S. National Security in a New Era

Susan Eisenhower
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Nixon Center; Chair, Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Washington, D.C.
US-Russian Relations After Clinton and Yeltsin

Richard N. Haass
Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institute; Author and former Special Assistant to President George Bush
The Reluctant Sheriff: The United States After the Cold War

Anthony Lake
Professor at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; National Security Advisor, 1993-1996
Reflections on American Foreign Policy

Michael Mandelbaum
Christian A. Herter Professor of American Foreign Policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies; Director, Project on East-west Relations at the Council on Foreign Relations
New American Foreign Policy Strategy 

Alan Geyer
Professor of Political Ethics and Ecumenics, Wesley Theological Seminary; Resident Ethicist, Washington National Cathedral Senior Scholar, Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy
Mamoun Fandy
Research Professor of Arab Studies, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University
Christianity and Islam:  Approaches to International Politics

Deborah Brautigam
School of International Service at The American University
Raymond F. Hopkins
Professor of Political Science at Swarthmore College
Democratization and Development in Africa

Georgiy I. Mirsky
Professor at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations and at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow
On the Ruins of an Empire 

Robert W. Tucker
Professor Emeritus of American Diplomacy, The School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University
Intervention in the Post-Cold War World

Terry L. Deibel
Professor of National Strategy, the National War College
Internal Affairs and International Relations in the Post-Cold War World

John Lewis Gaddis
Distinguished Professor of History; Director of the Contemporary History Institute at Ohio University
After the Cold War:  What Next?

Robert Legvold
Director, W. Averell Harriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet Union
Does Gorbachev Have a Chance? 

Program Contact Info


Elliott Hall 201
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3780
F 740-368-3644

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Program Contact

Interim Director: Jim Franklin
Professor of Politics and Government
Elliott Hall 308