The main goal for this symposium is to engage OWU students, faculty and staff, and Central Ohio residents in current water issues with a special focus on how water relates to economics and the environment. We are excited to bring three distinguished speakers to this year’s event. George Elmaraghy, Division Chief of Surface Water at the Ohio EPA, will speak about pressing water issues in the state of Ohio such as algal blooms in area water bodies. Nicholas Flores, Professor and Department Chair of Economics and the University of Colorado, will talk about economic issues related to ground water and how public policy can affect the efficiency of water usage. Douglas Southgate, Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics and Associate Director of the Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC), will speak about water issues related to the accelerated oil and gas development in Ohio.

“Current Issues and Recent Innovations in Conventional and Alternative Sources of Energy”

02/27/2012 Gordon Aubrecht, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physics, Ohio State University, Marion Campus
  Sean Kinghorn
Energy Conservation and Sustainability Coordinator, Ohio Wesleyan University
  Paul A. Centolella
Commissioner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

“Water: Science, Economics, and Policy”

02/19/2013 George Elmaraghy, P.E.
Chief, Division of Surface Water, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
  Nicholas Flores, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics and Department Chair
Faculty Research Associate, Institute of Behavioral Economics
University of Colorado Boulder
  Douglas Southgate, Ph.D.
Professor, Associate Director of the Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC)
Ohio State University

“Environmental Issues of the Developing World”

02/24/2014 Laurie Anderson. Ph.D.
Professor of Botany/Microbiology
Ohio Wesleyan University
  Douglas Southgate, Ph.D.
Professor, Associate Director of the Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC)
Ohio State University

"A Tax on Carbon: Would it Work for Business, Consumers, and the Environment?"

2/18/2015 Laurie Anderson. Ph.D.
Professor of Botany/Microbiology
Ohio Wesleyan University
  Scott Nystrom, M.A.
Senior Econoimic Associate
Regional Economic Models, Inc.
  Ian Sheldon, Ph.D.
Andersons Professor of International Trade, Graduate Studies Leader, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
The Ohio State University