The Joann Harvey Accounting Award is named in honor of Emeriti Professor Joann P. Harvey, Ohio Wesleyan University Professor of Accounting, who taught in the Economics and Business Department from 1983 to 2009.  The purpose of this monetary award is to help accounting majors defray some of the costs associated with either becoming a C.P.A. or securing a first job in the accounting field.

This annual monetary award of $1000 will be presented to the top graduating senior accounting major in the spring semester of their senior year.

The top accounting senior will be selected by a committee to include an accounting professor, a representative of The Woltemade Center, and one other Economics and Business Department faculty member.

The criteria to be used for the selection of the award recipient will include:

  • GPA within the major (including estimated grade of any accounting classes
    being taken in the spring semester of their senior year by mid-semester break)
  • Intent of the student to pursue a C.P.A. license.

In the event of a tie among students, other criteria to be considered could include:

  • Faculty recommendations
  • Pursuing departmental honors
  • Pursuing university honors
  • Overall GPA
  • Department involvement