The Woltemade Center for Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship at Ohio Wesleyan University offers the interdisciplinary Carol Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program for students seeking to become the next generation of business trailblazers.

The Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program (LESP) will allow a select group of students from across campus disciplines to explore entrepreneurship at their own pace accommodating each student's knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship.  Students will benefit from this program by participating in academic activities outside of the traditional classroom, self-study development, and professional development activities funded by the endowed program.

The Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program (LESP):

  • Engages students from all majors, disciplines, and backgrounds across campus.
  • Is Interdisciplinary by design.
  • Is a one year program for any OWU student.

LESP Students will:

  • Participate in a special seminar class (INT 200.7) covering topics ranging from problem-solving to critical thinking/strategic thinking/vision. (fall semester, .25 unit)
  • Participate in the Kauffman Foundation FastTrac Program (online self-study program)
  • Attend Entrepreneurial Guest Speakers, Lecture Events, as well as monthly meetings which will be lead by the Faculty Coordinator, the Woltemade Center, or approved visitor.
  • Attend a campus or local DEI workshop or event per semester during their time as Latham Scholars.
  • Travel to incubators, innovation centers, and have direct interaction with successful entrepreneurs.
  • Engage in an entrepreneurial experience/internship working with local entrepreneurs, or develop their own entrepreneurial venture, (spring semester) creating the idea, conducting market research, developing a selling proposition, and designing a business plan and/or marketing materials, such as an app or website.
  • Students can apply to receive a $500 Stipend for either participating in a spring/summer internship/experience or to fund an approved business venture startup. 

Application Process:

  • The Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program is open to OWU students who have achieved an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher.

  • Candidates will interview with at least one LESP committee member and submit a letter of reference from an OWU faculty member.  

  • Application Opens in Spring 2023. 

  • Application Deadline is TBA

  • Complete the application form by clicking HERE

  • Submit a request for an internship or startup stipend (after acceptance into the program) by clicking HERE

The Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program is being created with a gift of time, talent, and treasure from OWU alumna Carol Latham, Class of 1961. A chemistry major at Ohio Wesleyan, Latham is the retired founder, president, and CEO of Thermagon, Inc., a custom manufacturer of high performance heat-transfer materials for electronic components. Under her leadership, Thermagon grew to sales of $18 million annually worldwide.