Contact Info
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
“I believe in the power of successful businesses that embody character and ethics to positively transform society. My personal mission is to educate, coach, and grow leaders to reach their business and professional goals while acting responsibly to their employees, customers, and communities.”
Glenn Bryan’s teaching areas include marketing and corporate strategy.
To keep current with the constantly changing marketplace and stay abreast of new business developments, he actively provides leadership and organizational development consulting through his strategic and organizational leadership firm.
Prior to joining Ohio Wesleyan, Bryan served as Chair of the Graduate Business Department and Professor of Marketing at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and consulted extensively with nonprofit organizations, providing advising and education services.
Bryan serves on the Board of Directors for (1) the Central Ohio Better Business Bureau, with a vision of fostering an ethical marketplace where buyers and seller trust each other; and (2) All THAT (Teens Hopeful About Tomorrow), Columbus, Ohio, which provides academic achievement, career planning, and social/life skills to youth.
He also has previously served on the Board of Directors for Southbridge Investment Group, located in Cambridge, Ontario, which provides long-term health care solutions in Canada.