The department is located in Schimmel/Conrades Science Center, seen here:

schimmel conrades

Also on campus is the Student Observatory, with its 9-1/2-inch refracting telescope. Advanced astronomical study is done at Ohio Wesleyan’s Perkins Observatory, a few miles south of campus. A night view taken during a meeting of the Columbus Astronomical Society by CAS member Brad Hoehne is shown here:

Perkins Observatory

Housed inside the Perkins dome is a 32-inch reflecting telescope, seen here:

32-inch Perkins Telescope

The two General Physics Laboratories are equipped with PCs running Windows and Linux that are used for experiment control, data analysis, and report creation.

Advanced students learn programming in a variety of languages and environments, including Fortran, C, LabVIEW, IDL, Python, and Mathematica in order to run experiments, conduct simulations and perform data analysis. A 15-node Beowulf computing cluster is also available for student research projects.

Other department facilities include a shop comprised of metal-working (lathe, milling machine) and wood-working (table-saw, scroll-saw, drill press) tools, a complete electronics lab, a darkroom, a Meade LX-200 and a Celestron NexStar GPS telescope, two Santa Barbara Instruments Group astronomical CCD cameras with research-grade photometric filters and a stellar spectrometer, and an Optec SP-3 astronomical photometer.

Department Contact Info


Schimmel/Conrades Science Center
Delaware, OH
P 740-368-3907
F 740-368-3999

Department Contact

Chair: Robert Harmon
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Schimmel/Conrades Science Center 131

Academic Assistant: Judy Arlington
Schimmel/Conrades Science Center 201