Spring 2020




Dr. Shari Stone-Mediatore's Environmental Ethics field trip to Stratford Ecological Center. Pictured: Vicky Bush and Shari Stone-Mediatore with a goat, Keionna Badie with a goat, and Alex Reichardt with a llama.



Spring 2019


Malaun Huff, Kalie Flack, and Ahmed Wiqar were inducted into Phi Sigma Tau 



Curry Carr presented his paper, "The Irrational Appeal of the Punishment Paradigm: How 'Tough on Crime' Subverts Reason and Empathy" at the OWU Student Symposium. 

Shari Stone Mediatore published, "How America Disguises its Violence: Colonialism, Mass Incarceration, and the Need for Resistance Imagination," as the lead article in Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy

Fall 2018

Shari Stone-Mediatore testified at an Illinois State Legislature hearing on parole. Her report on the hearing was published as the lead article in the newsletter, Stateville Speaks

Spring 2018

Shari Stone-Mediatore published,"Global Ethics, Epistemic Colonialism, and Paths Toward More Democratic Knowledge Practices," as the lead article in Radical Philosophy Review.  

Fall 2017




In August, Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore was invited to a fundraiser in Chicago to display a project she has initiated to help resist stigmatization against people in prison.




Spring 2017




Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore presented an invited guest lecture at Stony Brook University. 




Spring 2016



Our 2016 Phi Sigma Tau (philosophy honorary) new inductees! Left to right: Daniel Sweet, Mark Mandych, Joseph Kirincic, Luke Plazek and Raina Graham.



Dr. Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, Mexican-American Studies professor at the University of New Mexico and award-winning journalist, specializing in coverage of police violence against people of color, will be visiting the Social & Political Philosophy class.



Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore will be participating in a book panel on, Sovereign Masculinity: Gender Lessons from the War on Terror, at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Washington, DC.

Fall 2015

Professor Erin Flynn presented his paper, “Strategic Fouls and an Exculpatory Conflict of Duties,” at the annual meeting of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport in Cardiff, Wales.

Spring 2015

In April, senior-seminar participants Miles Pecken and Luke Peters presented their research papers, “What Makes a True Proposition True?” (Pecken) and “The Irrelevance of Free Will and Moral Responsibility” (Peters).


Students in Ethics class met with guest speaker, Susan Schnall, Coordinator of the Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign and a recipient of an Ohio Wesleyan Honorary Degree. (Photo taken by Calvin Conklin)


Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore published her article, “Attending to Others: Simone Weil and Epistemic Pluralism” in Philosophical Topics (vol 41, issue 2).

Spring 2014

In February, Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore presented a keynote lecture at the University of California, Berkeley, Arcus Foundation Inaugural Lecture on Diversity.



(From top) Students Anna Jones, Megan Pinto, and Matt Mehaffy participating in a mural-painting project in Chiapas, Mexico during the spring 2014 “Modernity & Colonialism” Travel-Learning Course.

During spring break, Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore’s “Modernity & Colonialism” class traveled to Chiapas, Mexico, where they lived in a Zapatista community, learned about indigenous philosophies, and participated in a mural-painting project with internationally known muralist/community-activist, Gustavo Gutierrez.

In March, Azalia Hernandez, of the Fray Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Center in Chiapas, Mexico visited a philosophy class to discuss her first-hand experience with human-rights struggles of indigenous Mexicans. The Philosophy Department together with Women’s & Gender Studies Program also organized a campus lecture by Ms. Hernandez. View the flier for this event.

In April, Professor Erin Flynn represented philosophy in the Honors Board Raft Debate. 

Watch Andrew Paik's promo video for the event.



In April, Hank Owings was awarded the Andy Anderson Philosophy Research Award and Ariel Hirsh was awarded the Lloyd Easton Award for Excellence in Philosophy.

In April, Ariel Hirsh, Hank Owings, Cody Pearce, Rowland Brown, and Luke Schwan were inducted into the Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy Honor Society.

In April, Philosophy Department Senior Presentations featured “Arendt on a Typical Failure to Think: Could Evil Truly be Banal?” by Ariel Hirsh; “Toward a Socially Constructed Ethic,” by Hank Owings; “Plato and Aristotle on My Little Pony,” by Artemis Mittman; and "Putnam and Brains in Vats,” by Cody Pearce.

Fall 2013

In September, Professor Erin Flynn presented his paper: “On the Skill Thesis” at the International Philosophy of Sport annual conference in Fullerton, CA.

In October, Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore presented her paper, “Attending to Others: Simone Weil and Epistemic Pluralism” at the Feminist Ethics and Social Theory conference in Tempe, Arizona.

In November, internationally known human-rights activist and Executive Director of Harvard
University’s Kennedy Center for Human Rights
Policy, Dr. Charlie Clements, visited two philosophy classes to speak about his human-rights work in El Salvador, which is the subject of the award-winning documentary, Witness to War. The Philosophy Department also organized a campus lecture by Dr. Clements. View the flier for this event.

Department Contact Info


Phillips Hall 114 and 117
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3790
E philrel@owu.edu

Department Contact

Acting Department Chair: Susan Gunasti
Professor of Religion
Phillips Hall 219