Zackariah C. Long

Associate Professor of English


B.A., The College of William and Mary
M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia


Zackariah Long received his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 2006. Before coming to Ohio Wesleyan, he served as a visiting instructor at Macalester College and an assistant professor at Sweet Briar College.

A specialist in English Renaissance literature, Long has published essays on Shakespeare, Renaissance drama, and early modern psychology. His current book project is entitled This Distracted Globe: Hamlet and the Renaissance Memory Theatre.

Areas of Interest / Expertise

Renaissance literature and culture; early modern drama; history of drama and theatre; Shakespeare studies; psychological approaches to literature, esp. trauma theory 

Publications / Presentations

  • "Hamlet's Theatre of Judgments." The Shakespearean Death Arts. Eds. William Engel and Grant Williams. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (Forthcoming).
  • "Historicizing Rape Trauma: Identification with the Aggressor in Early Modern Humoral Theory and The Rape of Lucrece (1594)." Early Modern Trauma. Eds. Erin Peters and Cynthia Richards. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P (Forthcoming 2021).
  • "Shakespeare, Memory, and the Early Modern Theatre." The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Memory. Eds. Andrew Hiscock and Lina Perkins Wilder. New York: Routledge, 2018. 11-22.
  • "How to Write Like Shakespeare": I-Cubed Lectures
  • “Infernal Memory in English Renaissance Revenge Tragedy: The Spanish Tragedy and Hamlet.” English Literary Renaissance. 44:2 (2014): 153-192.
  • Toward an Early Modern Theory of Trauma: Conscience and Richard III.” Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies 1:1 (2012): 49–72.
  • “‘Uncollected Man’: Trauma and the Early Modern Mind-Body in The Maid’s Tragedy.” Staging Pain, 1580–1800: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre Eds. James Allard and Matthew Martin. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009. 31–46.
  • “‘Unless You Could Teach Me to Forget’: Spectatorship, Self-Forgetting, and Subversion in Antitheatrical Literature and As You Like It.” Forgetting in Early Modern English Literature and Culture: Lethe’s Legacies. Eds. Christopher Ivic and Grant Williams. New York: Routledge, 2004. 151–164.