
Interstate Agreement on Qualifications of Educational Personnel*

Ohio has an agreement with the following states to allow persons holding standard Ohio licenses and who have completed an approved teacher education program to obtain a teaching license in the state to which they are applying. Minor additional coursework may be required for full licensure. In addition, applicants must meet the testing requirements of the state to which they apply for licensure.

Alabama Hawaii Mississippi Rhode Island
Alaska Idaho Montana South Carolina
Arizona Illinois Nebraska South Dakota
Arkansas Indiana New Hampshire Tennessee
California Kansas New Jersey Utah
Colorado Kentucky New York Vermont
Connecticut Maine North Carolina Virginia
Delaware Maryland Oklahoma Washington
District of Columbia Massachusetts Oregon West Virginia
Florida Michigan Pennsylvania Wisconsin

* National Association of State Directions of Teacher Education and Certification

License Portability

Outgoing (Ohio to other states)

Surveyed states: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia,

Indiana North Carolina
Ohio EC = Indiana Generalist preschool, plus generalist Kindergarten Primary K-3
Ohio MC = Indiana 5-9 in subjects(s)
Ohio AYA = Indiana 9-12 in subject(s)
Ohio EC = North Carolina K-6, and possibly birth-age 5 (transcript evaluation) plus PLT
Ohio MC = North Carolina 6-9 in subject(s)
Ohio AYA = North Carolina 9-12 in subject(s)
Kentucky Pennsylvania
Ohio EC = Kentucky Birth through primary, plus K-5
Ohio MC = Kentucky 5-9 (must have 24 semester hours in subject area)
Ohio AYA = Kentucky 8-12 in subject(s)
Ohio EC = Pennsylvania N-3
Ohio MC = Pennsylvania middle level 7-9 in subject(s)
Ohio AYA = Pennsylvania secondary in subject(s)
Michigan West Virginia
Ohio EC = Michigan K-5 all subjects, plus K-8 self-contained, plus PreK endorsement
Ohio MC = Michigan 7-12 in subjects with MC specialization (5-12)
Ohio AYA = Michigan 7-12 in subject(s)
Ohio EC = West Virginia PreK-K plus K-4
Ohio MC = West Virginia 5-9 in subjects(s)
Ohio AYA = West Virginia 5-12 in subject(s)

Incoming (Other states to Ohio)

Other states’ EC/elementary (P-3, K-3, K-4, K-5, K-6, K-8 etc.) = Ohio EC
Other states’ middle childhood in subject(s) = Ohio MC in subject(s)
Other states’ AYA in subject(s) = Ohio AYA in subject(s)

Department Contact Info


Phillips Hall 214
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3557
F 740-368-3553

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Department Contact

Chair: Sarah Kaka
Assistant Professor of Education