Sarah J. Kaka

Department Chair
Assistant Professor of Education
Program Director for Middle Childhood Education, Adolescence to Young Adult and Multi-Age


  • B.S. History Education, Illinois State University
  • M.A. Curriculum & Instruction, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
  • Ph.D. Educational Leadership, Research, and Policy, University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Sarah J. Kaka teaches secondary methods courses and field experiences, student teaching, and Role of the School. Her main area of focus is secondary social studies. She has published in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at local, state, national, and international conferences. Her research strives to support educator preparation programs in creating effective, long-term educators in all settings, in addition to assisting in-service teachers in becoming more effective. Prior to making the shift to higher education, Dr. Kaka taught high school social studies for a decade in Virginia and Colorado. She is currently the Editor of the Ohio Social Studies Review, and is the editor of the forthcoming book, Hollywood or History? An Inquiry-Based Strategy for Using Film to Teach About Inequality and Inequity Throughout History.

For the most up-to-date information on Dr. Kaka’s scholarship, see her Google Scholar profile.

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Kaka, S. J. & Glenn-Applegate, K. (2021) Teaching history in real time: Using ephemera, artifacts, and museums to teach social issues. In Evans, R. (Ed). Handbook on Teaching Social Issues (2nd ed). Information Age Publishing.
  • Kaka, S.J., Littenberg-Tobias, J., Kessner, T., Francis, A.T., Kennett, K., Marvez, G. & Reich, J. (2021). Digital simulations as approximations of practice: Preparing preservice teachers to facilitate whole-class discussions of controversial issues. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 29(1), 67-90.
  • Kaka, S. J. & Dobeck, C. (2021). Perspectives on the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79. In Roberts, S. & Elfer, C. (Eds.) Hollywood or History? An Inquiry-Based Strategy for Using Film to Teach World History. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Kaka, S. J. (Invited chapter, 2020) Who is more ready? An analysis of predictors of edTPA score. Jenlink, P. (Ed.). Reconsideration of Assessment in Teacher Preparation and Practice: A Focus on Assessment for Learning. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Kaka, S. J. (2019). Shrinking an already decreasing pool: Potential implications of edTPA implementation. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, 33(2), 47-79.
  • Kaka, S. J. & Tygret, J. A. (2019). Administrators' Insights into the Preparation and Performance of New Teachers. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 14(2). DOI: 10.15760/nwjte.2019.14.2.3
  • Kaka, S. J. (2019). Classroom culture in the social studies classroom: The abilities of preservice teachers. The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies, 80(2).
  • Kaka, S. J. (2019) Cooperating teacher perceptions of their preservice teachers' impact on student learning. Educational Research: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 75-90.
  • Kaka, S. J., Mitchell, R., & Clayton, G. (2018). Fixing the educator shortage at the district level. American School Board Journal, 205(3).
  • Farley, A. N., Clayton, G., & Kaka, S. J. (2018). Linking teacher education to redesigned systems of accountability: A call for multiple measures in pre-service teacher effectiveness. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(121).
  • Carpenter II, D. M., Kaka, S. J., Tygret, J. A., & Cathcart, K. (2018) Testing the efficacy of a scholarship program for single parent undergraduates. Research in Higher Education, 59(1), 108-131. 10.1007/s11162-017-9456-0
  • Farley, A. N., Clayton, G., & Kaka, S. J. (2018). Teacher education in the Trump era: The role of multiple measures under deregulated teacher evaluation and accountability. Critical Issues in Teacher Education, 25, 33-47.

Select Peer-Reviewed Presentations

  • Kaka, S. J., Lisy, J. & Nobel, M. (2021, August). Preparing antiracist teachers: One teacher preparation program’s journey. Paper session at the Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference, (Online).
  • Kaka, S. J., Kessner, T. M., Littenberg-Tobias, J., Kennett, K., & Francis, A. F. (2021, April). Digital practice spaces and clinical practice in teacher preparation: Current uses and future possibilities. Roundtable presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, (Online).
  • Kaka, S. J. & Tygret, J. A. (2021, February). Strategies for prioritizing the social and emotional health of new teachers: Tools for administrators and preparation programs. Paper presented at the 2021 meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, (Online)
  • Maguth, B., Kaka, S. J. & Patterson, N. (2020, December). Who are we and what do we believe? The perceptions and practices of urban and nonurban social studies teachers in one Midwestern state. Paper presented at the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, (Online).
  • Kaka, S. J., Littenberg-Tobias, J., Kennett, K., Kessner, T. M., Francis, A. F., Marvez, G., Reich, J. (2020, December). Social studies preservice teachers practice facilitating whole-group discussions of controversial issues: Examining the emergence of one high-leverage practice. Paper presented at the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, (Online).
  • Kaka, S. J., Littenberg-Tobias, J., Kessner, T., Francis, A., Kennett, K., Marvez, G., & Reich, J. (2020, April). Preparing preservice teachers to facilitate discussions of controversial issues using online simulations. Presentation accepted at Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Annual Conference. (Online).
  • Kaka, S. J. & Glenn-Applegate, K. (2019, November). Using Ephemera, Monuments, and Museums to Teach Controversial Social Issues. Power session at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
  • Kaka, S. J. & Tygret, J. (2019, October). The preparation and performance of new teachers: A case study of administrator perceptions. Paper accepted at the Ireland International Conference on Education. Dublin, Ireland.
  • Kaka, S. J. (2019, April). Can preservice social studies teachers create student-centered classrooms? Paper presentation at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Kaka, S. J. & Tygret, J. (2019). School administrator perceptions of teacher effectiveness and ability to impact student learning. Paper presentation at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Kaka, S. J., Mitchell, R. & Clayton, G. (2019, February). Partnering with districts to recruit, prepare, and retain teachers. Presentation at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY.
  • Kaka, S. J. & Clayton, G. (2019, February). How video coaching can transform teacher preparation practices. Paper presentation at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY.
  • Kaka, S. J. (2018, December). Can preservice social studies teachers create student-centered classrooms? Paper presentation at College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Kaka, S. J. (2018). Predictors of edTPA score. Paper presentation at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. New York, NY.
  • Kaka, S. J. (2017). What do students think about their preservice teachers’ ability to impact student learning? Paper accepted at the London International Conference on Education. Cambridge, UK.
  • Farley, A., Clayton, G., Kaka, S., & Hart, R. (2017). Teacher education in the accountability era: Applying principals of teacher education and evaluation and the use of multiple measures to pre-service teaching.Paper presentation at the annual meeting of Association for Education Finance and Policy. Washington D.C.
  • Kaka, S. J., Tygret, J. T., Carpenter, D., & Cathcart, K. (2017) Testing the efficacy of a scholarship program for single parent undergraduates. Paper presentation at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
  • Kaka, S. J., Conley, V. M., Grant, L., & Frye, B. (2017) Connecting with Teachers and Partner Schools to Study Program Impact. Paper presentation at American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Tampa FL.
  • Carpenter II, D. M., Kaka, S. J., Cathcart, K., & Tygret, J. A. (2016). Flying solo: Persistence and achievement among single-parent undergraduates. Paper presentation at NASPA Assessment and Persistence Conference. Portland, OR.

Professional Organizations

  • American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
  • American Educational Research Association
  • Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association
  • NCSS College and University Faculty Assembly
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • National Council for History Education
  • Ohio Council for the Social Studies
  • National Council for the Social Studies

Contact Info


Phillips Hall 214-B
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3563
F 740-368-3553