Eric J. Gangloff
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
- B.A., Cornell University
- M.A., University of Denver
- Ph.D., Iowa State University
Eric Gangloff’s research addresses the big question of how organisms will respond to this rapidly changing world. With a special focus on reptiles and amphibians, his work utilizes an integrative approach that combines field observations, controlled lab experiments, and molecular techniques to identify the mechanisms that allow – or limit – the success of individuals and populations. For example, recent work examines how temperature and oxygen availability interact to affect the physiology, performance, and reproduction of the common wall lizard in Europe. He also continues work on a fascinating system of garter snake populations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern California, examining how physiology, behavior, and immune function covary with life-history traits. Here in Ohio, he is beginning work as part of a broad network of researchers to investigate how individual variation in behavior and physiology can scale up to affect population dynamics and species distributions in the widespread red-backed salamander. His work is highly collaborative, including partnerships with researchers from Germany, France, Australia, and across the U.S.
Lab Website:
Selected Recent Publications
- Telemeco, R; EJ Gangloff*, CA Cordero, E Rodgers, F Aubret. From performance curves to performance surfaces: Interactive effects of temperature and oxygen availability on aerobic and anaerobic performance in the common wall lizard. Functional Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14147. *Co-first author
- Bodensteiner, B.L.; G.A. Agudelo-Cantero; A.Z.A. Arietta; A.R. Gunderson; M.M. Muñoz; J.M. Refsnider; E.J. Gangloff. 2020. Thermal adaptation revisited: how conserved are thermal traits of reptiles and amphibians? Journal of Experimental Zoology-A. doi: 10.1002/jez.2414
- Taylor, E.; L.M. Diele-Viegas; E.J. Gangloff; J. Hall; B. Halpern; M. Massey; D. Rödder; N. Rollinson; S. Spears+; B.-J. Sun; R.S. Telemeco. 2020. The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user’s guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology-A. doi: 10.1002/jez.2396. +Mentored OWU Student
- Gangloff, E.J.; T.S. Schwartz*; R. Klabacka; N Huebschman+; A.Y. Liu; A.M. Bronikowski. 2020. Mitochondria as the central character in a complex narrative: Linking genomics, energetics, and pace-of-life in natural populations of garter snakes. Experimental Gerontology 137:110967. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2020.110967 *Co-first author +Mentored OWU Student
- Palacios, M.G.; E.J. Gangloff; D.M. Reding; A.M. Bronikowski. 2020. Genetic background and thermal environment differentially influence the ontogeny of immune components during early life in an ectothermic vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:1883-1894. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13271.
- Telemeco, R.S.; E.J. Gangloff. 2020. Analyzing stress as a multivariate phenotype. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60:70-78. doi: 10.1093/icb/icaa005
- Kouyoumdjian, L.; E.J. Gangloff*; J. Souchet; G.A. Cordero; A. Dupoué; F. Aubret. 2019. Transplanting gravid lizards to high elevation alters maternal and embryonic oxygen physiology, but not reproductive success or hatchling phenotype. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb206839. doi: 10.1242/jeb.206839 *Co-first author
- Gangloff, E.J.; M. Sorlin; G.A. Cordero; J. Souchet; F. Aubret. 2019. Lizards at the peak: Physiological plasticity does not maintain performance in lizards transplanted to high altitude. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92:189–200. doi: 10.1086/701793
- Gangloff, E.J.; R.S. Telemeco*. 2018. High temperature, oxygen, and performance: Insights from reptiles and amphibians (invited commentary). Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: 9–24. doi: 10.1093/icb/icy005 *Co-first author