Quarantine and Isolation Protocols
If you receive a positive test for COVID-19, you will need to notify Ohio Wesleyan via covid19@owu.edu and notify your individual professors. Also, if you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, please contact the Care Team at covid19@owu.edu. Classes are not being offered remotely for the 2022-2023 academic year, but your professors will work with you to try and keep you on track.
Close Contact to a Positive Person
We are following Centers for Disease Control and Delaware Public Health District guidance*. Individuals who are a close contact with a positive individual do not need to quarantine regardless of their vaccination status unless they are symptomatic. They should wear a mask for 10 full days (day 0 is the last date of exposure) and monitor for development of symptoms.
If symptomatic, that individual must isolate and be tested. Please contact covid19@owu.edu to discuss your symptoms and arrange for testing.
Isolation/Positive for COVID
Regardless of vaccination status, a person has to be isolated for 5 full days. The day they test positive or begin developing symptoms is day 0. Isolation ends at 12:01 am on the 6th day if symptoms are improving and the student is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. Leaving isolation means they can resume classes, meetings, etc., but must be fully masked the entire time they are around others—including when they are eating. Others should always be masked around them. This goes to day 11.
Students with roommates will need to stay in their isolation space during the final five days but can otherwise be released from isolation and wear a mask.
While in Isolation
Students in quarantine cannot go to class, athletic practices, the gym, or other public areas on campus.
Students should notify their faculty that they will be missing class time. They will receive a letter from the COVID-19 response team that they can show their faculty if verification is needed.
*Close Contact Definition
Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of an infected person for 15 or more minutes within a 24-hour period where one individual was not wearing a mask. (If both parties were engaged in strenuous activity, the 15-minute exposure rule does not apply. It also is considered close contact if one party was not wearing a mask within 6 feet of the other party).
For more information, please email covid19@owu.edu.