Campus Events
Check back often to learn about different events available on-campus!
November Events:
- Bishop Wellness Week, November 7-11 in Hamilton Williams. All events take place over the noon hour.
- Monday, November 7: Have you ever wondered where you are in your spiritual wellness journey? The Chaplain's Office will be tabling over the noon hour in the HamWill Atrium to share about spiritual wellness and the opportunities on campus to enhance your spiritual wellness. Location - HWCC Atrium
- Tuesday, November 8: Learn about the importance of monitoring your physical health and sexual health with the Student Health Center. Location - HWCC Atrium
- Wednesday, November 9: Community resource, Safe Harbor Peer Support Services will be tabling to learn about the services they provide for mental health and addiction services. Location - HWCC Atrium
- Wednesday, November 9: SIO Funtrium Wellness Giveaways. Location - HWCC Atrium
- Thursday, November 10: Coffee with Counseling Services. Come to Bishop Café to meet the OWU counseling staff and learn about campus resources for mental health. The first 25 students will receive a free drink voucher. Location - HWCC Bishop Café
- Friday, November 11: Enjoy a free, 1-hour yoga class. Students are welcome to bring their own mats, yoga mats will also be available for use. Location - HWCC Benes Room A
October Events:
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Awareness Flags, October 3-31 on the JAYwalk. 34,560 people experience rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner per day in the United States. Each flag represents 24 people. The amount of people that experience intimate partner violence per minute in the U.S
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month Tabling, October 17-21, Hamilton Williams Atrium during the noon hour. Different community and on campus resources for education, prevention, and support will be available throughout the week. Resources include HelpLine, Turning Point, The Bishop Way, and Counseling Services.
- Wear Purple Day or #PurpleThursday, October 20. Purple is the official color of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The third Thursday in Domestic Violence Awareness month is recognized nationally as wear purple day. Everyone is encouraged to wear purple, raising awareness of domestic violence and showing your commitment to promoting healthy relationships.
- Take Back the Night, October 25th - a local version of the national Take Back the Night march. Take back the Night is an event centered around the mission of ending sexual, romantic, and domestic violence. Sponsored by the Bishop Way and Women's Resource Center. Check back for specific event time and location.
September Events:
- Sex Discussed Here, September 14th @ 7PM in Benes Room B. Come to this week's hottest "class" on campus, Sex Discussed Here! Marshall Miller and Lindsay Fram teach sex education unlike any you've had before -- this is definitely NOT your high school health class. Learn how to figure out what your partner really wants sexually, the real deal on lube, magic words for the bedroom, and answers to your secret sex questions (find out what everyone else has been wanting to know, too!). People of all genders and sexual orientations welcome, beginners and sexperts alike. Come prepared to laugh and learn!
- Beers Aren't Bad, September 20th @ 7PM in Gray Chapel. Sponsored by OWU's Interfraternity Council and The Panhellenic Council, this event will bring outside speakers to help students reshape goals, rethink choice, and take ownership of their social decisions, especially where alcohol or substances are considered popular. This program is part of the Office Of Fraternity and Sorority Life Trilogy series, but all students are welcome.
- International Recovery Day, September 30th from 11:30am to 1pm on the JAYwalk. Recovery is for everyone! International Recovery day acknowledges those with drug, alcohol, and behavioral addictions. Join the Bishop Way, Counseling Services, & Public Safety to celebrate, we will have give-a-ways, community & campus resources & information available, safe at-home drug disposal pouches, and ally resources, quick substance use assessments, and more! Find us on the JAYwalk or with bad weather inside the Hamilton-Williams Atrium.
August Events:
- Overdose Awareness Day, August 31 11am-1pm in the Hamilton Williams Atrium. The Delaware Public Health Department is providing free Naloxone kits and training to the public in various settings as a joint effort with Delaware Fire Department.
Past Events:
- Sex in the Dark, Fall 2021. Stay anonymous in this lights-off in-person event while professional sexperts answer your deepest, darkest questions. No question too simple — or too outrageous. Pick up your free glow bracelet or necklaces at the event
- Sex in the Pandemic, Spring 2021. An interactive virtual event
With all the focus on social distancing, navigating sex and relationships can feel more challenging than ever. Can Covid be transmitted through sex? Do we have to wear masks if we boomchikawowow? Should you ask your hookup their vaccination status? Is snuggling indoors with your boo too dangerous? How to make Facetime sex less awkward? In this interactive virtual program, tailored to the needs of those in attendance, we'll explore answers to these questions and more, and give you tips for what you can practice now that will make you a better partner later.