Policy & Privileges
To be in good standing as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) with the Student Involvement Office (SIO), each organization must:
- Have an organization profile on Engage and update it by the 3rd week of each semester
- Maintain an updated constitution and members list, with designated officers, on Engage
- Club sports must include a roster of players, including coaches
- Have an current, OWU full-time employee as their faculty or staff advisor
- Send two members from your organization to attend the OWU leadership seminars(fall: GO! OWU and spring: The Summit)
- One member must attend the mandatory Budget Management System training each semester (if planning to submit a budget)
- Abide by the OWU Student Handbook; Any conduct violations may lead to a forfeit of privileges, see below
Student organizations recognized in good standing have the ability to:
- Reserve rooms on campus
- Request WCSA funds
- Place orders through Duplicating
- Register events
- Access housekeeping and Buildings and Grounds work orders
- Reserve vehicles for transportation
- Reserve lodging arrangements
- Use resources and services through the Student Involvement Office