The Deans of Student Engagement and Success

With 11 departments within the Division of Student Engagement and Success, the deans lead and serve in helping students connect and succeed across campus. Part of their responsibilities include:

  • Serve as a resource for information you are seeking or wanting to share.
  • Be a sounding board for ideas for the OWU campus, your student organization, or yourself.
  • To empower students by providing a challenging and supportive environment for personal growth and leadership opportunities.
  • To facilitate students’ developmental process of becoming an active and productive adult citizen with a personal mission.

Dwayne K. Todd

Vice President for Student Engagement and Success; Dean of Students; Title IX Coordinator | 740-368-3135

Dr. Todd leads Ohio Wesleyan’s efforts to sustain a vibrant campus community for students and to support students’ learning and development goals.  As OWU’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Todd also oversees campus efforts to prevent and respond to incidents of gender discrimination and sexual misconduct.

With a higher education career spanning over 25 years, Dr. Todd previously served as vice president for student affairs at Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD), MBA assistant program chair at Franklin University, and various roles in residence life and student development services at Texas Christian University.

Dr. Todd is actively involved in several professional organizations, including ACPA–College Student Educators International, where he served in several Governing Board roles.  Additionally, he is a past president of the ACPA Foundation and of the Ohio College Personnel Association (OCPA) and is a member of NASPA–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, the Association for College and University Housing Officers–International (ACUHO-I), and the Association for Student Conduct Administration (ASCA).  He maintains active involvement with his national fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi, serving in roles that have included Membership Education Committee chair, Pi Kapp Pride chair, chartering officer, chapter advisor, and regional governor.

Dr. Todd earned his PhD in higher education administration from The Ohio State University; Master of Divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth; and Bachelor of Music from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.

Douglas M. Koyle

Associate Dean for Student Success, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Koyle serves as the Associate Dean for Student Success at OWU. His primary responsibility is to ensure that students experiencing personal and academic challenges receive the assistance they need to remain in school and graduate. In that role, he oversees the areas of counseling services, student conduct, and residential life. In addition, he serves as a liaison to the student health center (operated by OhioHealth) and helps to lead both OWU’s care and concern team and its retention intervention team.

Koyle earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ohio State, and joined OWU after serving as Assistant Vice President for the Office of Student Life at Ohio State. Koyle’s key responsibilities in that role included overseeing the student conduct department, student advocacy center, recreational sports, the student wellness center, and the student health insurance department. He also provided support for student services on OSU’s five regional campuses and chaired the consultation and assessment team, which reviews student behavioral threats and advises university leadership on appropriate strategies for response.

Koyle joined the OSU staff in 1987 as the coordinator of summer conference and orientation housing. He later served as Ohio State’s manager of off-campus student services, associate director of housing services, general manager of The Blackwell Hotel, director of administrative services, and assistant to the vice president of student life.

Professionally, Koyle has been a member of the American College Personnel Association, the Association for Student Conduct Administration, the Association of College and University Housing Officers, the Association of International Educators, the National Association of College Auxiliary Services and the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals.

Brad T. Pulcini

Dean of Student Services | 740-368-3943

Brad works to enhance programs and initiatives to help first-year students successfully adjust to college life and leads the summer orientation and Camp Oh-Wooo programs. Additionally, he works with multiple campus partners and offices to develop and oversee a smooth, thoughtful, and supportive pathway that guides students in their enrollment processes from the day they pay their tuition deposit and enroll until they graduate from OWU. He also works with and counsels students 1:1 who need assistance navigating processes around financial aid, advising, class registration, and bill payment. Brad also leads the university's retention intervention team, which is a team with representation from all over campus who work to support and care for identified students who may benefit from outreach,  support, and/or campus resources. 

Pulcini previously served as director of gateway operations for Central Ohio Technical College in Newark. In that role, he served as the chief enrollment officer overseeing the college’s offices of advising and retention, admissions, and student records & registration to support student retention and graduation. He has also worked as director of law school enrollment, director of retention, and assistant director of undergraduate admissions at Capital University located in Bexley, OH.

Pulcini is a first-generation college graduate and earned a PhD in higher education from Ohio University and a master’s degree in educational studies from Duquesne University.

Professionally, Pulcini is actively involved with ACPA - College Student Educators International, where he previously served as the chair for the Commission for Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience (AOFYE).

Jess L. Ettell Irvine

Assistant Dean for Student Integrity and Community Standards, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Clery Compliance Coordinator

Ettell Irvine serves as the Assistant Dean for Student Integrity and Community Standards at OWU. Her primary responsibility is to oversee the Student Handbook policies and conduct resolution process for student behavioral concerns.  Ettell Irvine works with students to resolve interpersonal conflicts, violations of University policies, and develop community standards that promote a healthy learning environment. In addition, she is responsible for prevention education with a focus on bystander intervention training programs.  Ettell Irvine also helps lead case management for OWU’s care and concern team.  Additionally, she coordinates with a team of staff to oversee compliance with important federal laws that impact OWU community experiences. Ettell Irvine also serves as a liaison with the University Advancement team to assist with the Senior Class Advisory Board planning important events for seniors and commencement.

Ettell Irvine earned a bachelor’s in Social Work from the The College At Brockport State University of New York and master’s degree in Higher Education Administration with a concentration in Student Affairs from The University at Buffalo.  Ettell Irvine has experience from a variety of small, private liberal arts colleges with most of her background in Student Conduct, Title IX and Sexual Misconduct, Prevention Education, Crisis Response and Support, and Residential Life.

Ida Mostofi

Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Student Engagement and Success | 740-368-3135

Mostofi provides support for the Vice President and the Division Leadership Team. She has more than 14 years of experience in higher education working at Ohio Wesleyan with a wide range of administrative and financial responsibilities. She serves as a liaison for the Vice President with constituencies including students and parents, trustees, donors, alumni, faculty, and staff. Before joining Ohio Wesleyan, Mostofi worked as the Executive Administrative Assistant and Finance Administrator at The Delaware Hotel. She holds a bachelor's degree in tourism administration and previously worked in marketing in Munich, Germany, where she received special training in marketing for international expositions and conventions.

Mostofi is the first face students and families will see when they visit the Office of Student Engagement and Success, located in Room 209 of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. She enjoys assisting, interacting with students, and witnessing their personal growth while pursuing an education they are passionate about. 

Mostofi strives to provide students and their families with helpful information, connecting them with staff to get the answers and information they need.

Department Contact Info


Hamilton-Williams Campus Center 209
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, Ohio
P 740-368-3135
F 740-368-3174