Interns and Peer Tutors Wanted
Application Available Here: Writing Center Intern and Peer Tutor Application, 2022 - 2023
The OWU Writing Center in the Sagan Academic Resource Center offers internships and peer tutoring positions for sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in the teaching of writing.
After training in tutoring principles and practices, Writing Center interns and peer tutors work independently with students in the Writing Center and during walk-in hours in Beeghly Library.
All new peer tutors and interns enroll in a required .25 credit course: UC 100 4--Sagan ARC Tutoring: Theory and Practice in Higher Education in their first semester of work with the Writing Center. New Writing Center interns will enroll in a 1.0 credit course: UC 495: Writing Center Internship in their first semester as a Writing Center intern (repeatable for one additional semester). Note: The UC 495 internship course includes the training work for UC100 4.)
The main differences between interns and tutors:
Writing Center peer tutors are paid for tutoring and earn .25 credit for the required training course. Peer tutors learn about effective tutoring strategies in general and those specific to writing. Currently, we hire up to four peer tutors a year.
Writing Center interns are not paid, but earn 1.0 academic credit per semester for training and additional academic study and research on writing center theory and practice and the teaching of writing. Interns can work as paid tutors and tutor mentors after their first semester. Like our paid peer tutors, interns learn about effective tutoring strategies in general and those specific to writing. Interns tutor up to four hours a week and may have additional responsibilities as well. Currently, we select one or two qualified students to be interns each academic year.
Students may apply initially to be either an unpaid intern and earn academic credit (1.0 unit) or to be a paid tutor, with no academic credit. A student who interns one semester may remain as an intern for an additional semester and earn credit (1 additional credit; up to 2 credits total) or may switch to being a paid tutor the following semester(s). Interns do not have to reapply to be tutors and may return as paid tutors as many semesters as they like. Likewise, paid tutors do not have to reapply and may return as paid tutors as many semesters as they like. Paid tutors may also apply to be interns in semesters subsequent to their first semester of employment.
Benefits of Participating in the Internship and Peer Tutoring Program
Both internships and peer tutoring positions offer hands-on learning and professional experiences that will boost students’ resumes and help them prepare for future work in all fields and professions but particularly work in writing, editing, teaching, and communications. Working with the Writing Center helps peer tutors and interns develop skills that are valuable in preparation for teaching assistantships and writing center work if students go on to graduate school. The internships provide more responsibility and more opportunities to explore writing center work and the teaching of writing generally, since interns study writing center theory and practice and have the opportunity to conduct independent and collaborative research and present their work at an academic conference.
Moreover, working with the Writing Center will help students develop interpersonal and communication skills that are valuable in any profession or workplace, and many of our interns and peer tutors report that their own skills have improved greatly as a result of working with others on their writing.
Applicants should have:
- Sophomore, Junior, or Senior status in the upcoming academic year
- A 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA
- Passed ENG 105 or an equivalent transferred course with a B or higher, or have exempt status (exemption based on SAT/ACT scores or AP or IB credit)
- Taken or be currently enrolled in ENG 250 (150) or at least one upper-level non-fiction writing course (ENG 260, 265, 310, 312), creative writing course (ENG 314, 315, 316, 318, 319, 480), or ENG 395 [preferred, but not required]
- Earned a B or higher in at least one course with a substantive writing component [Writing intensive course or “R” option outside Group III preferred, but not required]
- Completed a variety of courses across the curriculum
- Interest in tutoring and teaching of writing
- Ability to work effectively one-on-one with others
- Ability to work successfully both independently and collaboratively
- Ability and willingness to commit to at least one and perhaps two full semesters of work in the Writing Center, beginning in the fall term
- Interest in undertaking extensive research about writing, particularly Writing Center theory and pedagogy [for interns]
- Ability to commit to attending a Writing Centers conference in March or April of the Spring semester [for interns]
How to Apply
1. Complete and submit the Writing Center Intern and Peer Tutor Application.
2. Submit a letter of recommendation from at least one OWU faculty member who knows you and your work well. We prefer that your recommender has had you in at least one class and has evaluated at least one of your writing assignments.