Support for All Writers

We work with all students on every type of writing from every type of class, from essays and lab reports to journal entries and reading responses, and any other writing assignment, of any length.  We also work with students on resumés and cover letters, graduate school application materials and personal statements, scholarship applications, and applications for OWU opportunities, such as off-campus study and Theory-to-Practice grants. Writing Center consultants provide feedback and constructive suggestions on all aspects of writing at all stages of the writing process, including generating and developing ideas, focusing topics, organizing material, revising drafts, and citing sources. 

Students may come to the Writing Center whenever they wish to work on an assignment or general writing skills. Faculty members may also refer students from their classes to the Writing Center (see "Referrals" below).

Tutoring to Remove “U” Notations

End-of-Semester "U" in Writing: Faculty members may assign an end-of-semester "U" notation (unsatisfactory in writing) along with the final course grade in any course if the instructor believes the student's writing skills need to be strengthened. (See the OWU catalog under “Proficiency in Writing.”) Students who receive “Us” work with one of our professional writing instructors one-on-one for 50 minutes every week for approximately the first half of the following semester. After students complete the program to remove the “U,” the Writing Center informs the Registrar and the "U" notation will be erased from the student's transcript.

Most students succeed in removing the "U" notation during the first half of the semester (usually weeks 1 through 8) after it was received, but occasionally a student may need up to a full semester's work in the Center to remove the "U." Unless special permission to postpone has been granted, the Academic Status Committee will intervene if a student has not cleared the "U" in the semester after it was received.

Guided Tutorials in Writing: In addition to assigning a “U” in writing at the end of the semester, faculty members have the option of assigning a Guided Tutorial in Writing during the semester.

The Guided Tutorial does not appear on the student’s transcript so it does not have to be officially removed by the Writing Center.  It is, however, a formal referral and agreement between the professor, the student and the Writing Center that requires the student to work consistently and intensively on his or her writing assignments. Professors may assign consequences such as, for example, a lower grade on an assignment or in a class for not completing the Guided Tutorial

The potential benefits of the Guided Tutorial option include

  • Receiving individualized one-on-one writing instruction.
  • Improving the quality of writing in subsequent course papers during the semester.
  • Improving writing skills so students are prepared to meet greater writing challenges.
  • Addressing writing obstacles now to prevent receiving a “U” at the end of the term.
  • Earning “R” credit for a writing-intensive course.

It is important to note that even if students fulfill the Guided Tutorial obligations identified in the Guided Tutorial referral form—and even if their writing improves during the semester—an end-of-the-semester “U” may still be warranted if students have not met the writing objectives of the course or demonstrated writing competency equivalent to their peers or appropriate to their academic level.

Learning Differences and Challenges

Our staff has experience working with students with diverse learning styles and abilities. We encourage students who may need support in writing to visit the Writing Center as soon as possible at the start of each semester, or as soon as a writing project is assigned. We will discuss students’ needs and help them decide how best to proceed—perhaps by arranging regular tutoring sessions to provide ongoing support, or scheduling a series of structured meetings before a major assignment is due. We can also work with faculty and the Accessibility Services Office to develop plans and strategies for working with students with writing difficulties.

Class Visits

The Writing Center offers in-class workshops and mini-lessons on all writing topics, from getting ideas to proofreading strategies. We will do presentations and work with students in the classroom for 20 to 30 minutes on any aspect of the writing process. We also visit classes for 5 to 10 minutes to inform students about Writing Center services and policies, including the “U” program. Faculty members may call or email us to arrange a class visit and pre-visit consultations. Virtual visits via Zoom, Meet, or Blackboard Collaborate are available.


Instructors and advisors may refer students for immediate tutoring, or students may sign up for regular tutoring on their own initiative. Faculty members may call or email the Writing Center to refer a student or may send a referral form through campus mail. Forms are available from the Writing Center.


The Writing Center Library contains an up-to-date collection of reference works, handbooks, journals, and readers. We also have helpful handouts and sample models of resumes, cover letters, and personal statements for graduate and professional schools. Students may drop in to consult these materials at any time. Some materials are available for check-out on a limited basis.


Department Contact Info


Writing Center
R.W. Corns Building #316
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P (740)-368-3925