Forms of Resolution

Students should review the Student Handbook for a full explanation of resolution options and procedures.

Administrative Resolution

In some cases, when charged, respondents may accept responsibility for violating University policy in a written notice to the resolution body. This option will be provided in the charge notice to the respondent if it is a viable option. The resolution body will determine appropriate outcomes without requiring a meeting with the respondent.

Respondents that accept the administrative decision will not be permitted to appeal the decision unless procedural rights have been violated. It should be noted that if a respondent’s file has a record of similar violations then a sanction may be issued based on the totality of the respondent’s history and circumstances presented.

Alternative Resolution Process

The alternative resolution process is designed to eliminate a hostile environment without taking formal action against a Respondent and to reach a mutually-agreeable resolution to the complaint. Both parties have the option to pursue an alternative resolution process and it may be initiated any time prior to reaching a determination regarding responsibility. Both parties must agree to participate in the alternative resolution process.

If alternative efforts are unsuccessful, the formal resolution process may be initiated. Either party has the right to end the information resolution process and begin the formal process at any time prior to an agreed-upon resolution. The University reserves the right to determine a situation is not eligible for an this resolution process.

As part of the informal resolution process, the University official facilitating the informal resolution process may:

  • Resolve the complaint through the implementation of remedies when there is sufficient information about the nature and scope of the conduct to support such a response.
  • Act promptly to meet with the parties involved to inform them of the corrective actions.
  • Institute other potential remedies including targeted or broad-based educational programming or training.
  • Conduct facilitated conversations with the parties.

Formal Resolution

Notice of a formal report can be made in person, by phone, via email or in writing to the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards. As necessary, the University reserves the right to initiate a report and to initiate resolution proceedings without a formal report or participation by the victim of misconduct.

A formal resolution includes an investigation, if applicable, and a resolution meeting. Resolution meetings will be conducted by a trained staff member who will review the allegations, reports and supporting documentation, and hold a meeting with parties involved to determine the Respondent's level of responsibility for the allegations.



Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards
Hamilton-Williams Campus Center #225
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P (740) 368-3178

Office Contact

Jess Ettell Irvine
Assistant Dean for Student Integrity and Community Standards
P   740-368-3178