Conduct Appeals

Respondents have the right to appeal the outcome of a resolution meeting. When Complainants in the original conduct resolution meetings are individuals who are not University officials acting in their official capacity to enforce University policies and regulations, they also have the right to appeal. The appeal is not meant to re-hear or reargue the same case and is limited to the standards below. Written appeals must meet one or all of the following standards:

  • A procedural (or substantive) error occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the conduct resolution meeting (e.g.  substantiated bias, material deviation from established procedures, etc.);
  • To consider new evidence, unavailable during the original conduct resolution meeting or investigation, that could substantially impact the original finding or outcome.  A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included.
  • Outcomes imposed are grossly disproportionate to the violation(s) committed.

Appeals may not be made under the following circumstances:

  • Non-attendance at meetings;
  • Dissatisfaction with a decision and/or outcome.

Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards.  The written appeal must state the specific grounds for the appeal and be received within five (5) business days from the date of the outcome letter from the conduct resolution meeting.

Students interested in appealing a conduct decision are required to submit a Student Conduct Appeals Form.  The Office will refer the appeal to a staff member that was not involved in the resolution process for review.

Parking Appeals

Any student that receives a citation for an alleged parking violation(s) may appeal the citation.

All appeal requests must be submitted within seven business days of the date of the citation.

Request a Parking Appeal

All parking appeal requests are reviewed and decided by the Office of Public Safety. A letter regarding the outcome of this review is then sent to the student’s email address. All decisions are final. All parking appeals must be completed online.

Parking Appeal Denied?

Any student whose parking appeals are denied has twenty (20) business days to pay the fine. Fines can be paid online, or by cash or check at the Cashier’s window (University Hall, room 011). Any fine not paid by the deadline is posted to the student’s account without additional notice.

Pay Fines Online

Contact Info


Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
Hamilton-Williams Campus Center #225
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3175

Office Contact

Jess Ettell Irvine
Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards
P   740-368-3178