Restrooms & Gender Inclusivity

The Spectrum Resource Center is currently working on a project on Ohio Wesleyan's campus to create all-gender restrooms for those folks (prospective and current students) who are trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, or would just feel more comfortable using restrooms that are free of gender assignment. 

All gender restroom sign

Our Goal

Ohio Wesleyan University should have at least one all-gender restroom in every building on campus, whether single-stall or multi-stall, accessible to students whenever they may need to use them. All signage should be completely genderless, showcasing the symbol of a toilet rather than binary figures of a "man" and a "woman."


Map of All Current Bathrooms on Campus

The interns at the Spectrum Resource Center have worked hard to mark down where every bathroom is located on campus, categorized by signage and the amount of stalls. Feel free to explore the map and check out which bathrooms we have successfully labeled as all-gender, which bathrooms we are working on, and all other bathrooms on campus that do not fall under either of those categories.

You may view the map here.

Contact Info


Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
Hamilton-Williams Campus Center #206
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3151

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