Let us help make a study away semester a reality for you. Whether you are thinking about studying abroad or doing one of our domestic semester-long programs, we are here to answer your questions, advise you about your options, and get you ready to go.

Step 1: Stop by and chat with a Merrick Mentor (mentors@owu.edu) about the study away experience -- available options, getting prepared to go, etc. 

Step 2:  Check out our Round One Study Away Presentation, which highlights key points and will answer most of your questions. 

Step 3:  Explore all your options using the OWU Study Away Search/Application Site.   

Step 4: Seek out other on-campus resources for more information:

  • Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your academic plans.  
  • Meet with representatives of partner programs/institutions that frequently visit campus.  
  • Meet with Lisa Ho, Assistant Director of IOCP / Study Away.  
  • Attend Access Study Abroad meetings to learn more about external grants and scholarships and budgeting for your semester away.  
  • Connect with study away alumni who have participated in the program that you are considering.  

Step 5:  Apply for off-campus study permission using the OWU Study Away Search / Application Site. The deadline for submitting an application to study away for the 2023 Spring Semester is Friday, 23 September 2022. 

Step 6:  After After you have applied to your program, we will assist you in getting ready to go at our Round Two Meeting and through our Round Three Pre-Departure Presentation