No formatting here!

New icons on the toolbar! (Insert template is now a rubber stamp.)

No longer a Formats menu!

Paste still doesn't work...

The inserting templates dialogue is wider!

Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.

Charles Smith

Graphic Design Faculty

That's awkward--trying to add a new line below the blockquote figure...

The interface for the blocks below has changed...

This is an image caption.

In Content Text / Image Callout

This kind of callout block usually shows up beside the nav sidebar,

but I've chosen the Content-Full Width template, so this page won't have a sidebar.

Help Desk Click!

And Another

Nothing here

My own Contact Info

David Soliday

Here I am!
P you mean I can has more than 1?