
The intent of the policy is to ensure optimum use of facilities on the campus of Ohio Wesleyan University and develop and maintain good public relations with organized groups wishing to use these facilities. These policies are applicable to use of University facilities by faculty, staff, students and visitors to OWU, with the expectation that while on University property all are required to adhere to the standards of conduct applicable to OWU and abide by all pertinent policies and University regulations.

The University must be reimbursed for all direct costs incurred in facility use. “Direct Costs” are defined as all fees incurred by the University as a result of hosting the program in University facilities and are in addition to the actual facility rental rates. Direct expenses include, but are not limited to, costs incurred as a result of occupancy beyond regular business hours, audio-visual requirements, housekeeping, personnel required to service an event, set-ups, tear-downs, special equipment, Public Safety, and technical support.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Ohio Wesleyan is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in employment and education and non-discrimination in all of our business practices. No person will be subject to discrimination in any project, program, or activity because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicap or disability, disabled veteran, Vietnam era veteran or other protected status.


The use of University academic facilities, classrooms, seminar spaces, laboratories, and auditoria for scheduled academic instructional and research purposes shall take precedence over all other uses of such space and will not be displaced without the expressed approval of the President or the President’s authorized designee. Internal University organizations are not permitted to directly negotiate the use of University facilities with external organizations.

Use of Facilities

By Internal University Organizations

Requests for the use of facilities, other than academic classes, must be made using the University’s scheduling system Ad Astra, available at schedule.owu.edu. All event requests must be approved by the Campus Reservations Coordinator or other authorized approver.

By External Organizations

Requests for the use of facilities by external organizations must be approved through the Conference Services office. A Special Events Agreement must be prepared. Reservations are not confirmed until the Agreement and rental fees are received. No event will take place until proper insurance certificates are received.

The following timeline is used to schedule events:

  • Starting April 15 – Fall academic semester
  • Starting November 15 – Spring academic semester
  • Year-Round – Summer events and periods when class is not in session

Events will only be considered after University programs have been scheduled. Events may be scheduled up to, but not more than, fifteen (15) months in advance, with the exception of Summer Conferences which can book up to two (2) years in advance.

External Organizations Already in Partnership with OWU

Requests for facilities, other than for academic classes, must be approved through the Campus Reservations Coordinator. Partnership by OWU with an external organization can only be completed with fulfillment of the following conditions:

  1. The program is related to the University mission of teaching, research and service. A member of the University’s academic or administrative unit must be designated as the “University Host”, who is the Responsible Person listed on the Reservation Form. The University Host is responsible for:
    1. Requesting space and completing the Reservation Form which must be forwarded to the Campus Reservations Coordinator a minimum of (10) ten working days prior to the program;
    2. Attending the program to insure that it is conducted properly and that University policies are followed. Failure to attend the program by the University Host may prohibit the approval of future scheduling privileges.
    3. Scheduling any OWU support department services, e.g. catering, housekeeping, security, etc.
  2. External organizations in partnership with OWU may rent approved facilities at no cost; however, if an admission fee is charged for the program, 50% of the OWU approved facility costs shall be paid.
  3. External organizations in partnership with OWU are responsible for all associated direct costs as defined in the General Policies section. The “University Host” may pay for these indirect costs through a departmental budget. Direct costs may not be “waived” or arbitrarily reduced except by explicit written direction of the President.
  4. University organizations that participate in a program with an external organization will be held responsible for any fiscal liabilities incurred by the University in connection with the program. The ultimate responsibility for the event, and for all liability or personal injury or property damage resulting from the event, rests with the University Host subject to existing University insurance provisions.
  5. The organization must utilize the exclusive University Dining Service contractor. No food or beverages may be brought to the University except as provided under the Catering Policy.

Political Candidates/Organizations

See our Campus Use by Political Candidates/Organizations page for more information.

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations must provide a tax-exempt number prior to issuance of the Room Reservation Contract. The organization is responsible for all associated direct costs. A 50% reduction of OWU approved facility costs will be given. Direct costs, such as housekeeping, AV and/or catering fees, may not be “waived” or arbitrarily reduced.

(In the spirit of supporting local non-profit organizations related to the University mission of teaching, research and service, facility rental fees may be waived, though typically, for no more than one event per year. Direct costs incurred by the University, however, may be not waived.)

Holiday and Weekend Facility Use

Facilities utilized on Holidays, weekends, and other days when the University is officially closed, whether by internal or external organizations, will be assessed a surcharge to reflect the costs associated with supporting the program. Any costs incurred due to required support services will be additionally assessed. Such surcharges will be individually determined and clearly communicated at the time of scheduling. Facilities may not be available during some scheduled campus closures.


Private events with over 100 attendees and all organizations are required, at their own expense, to provide $1,000,000 of General Liability Insurance. You must provide a certificate of insurance that names Ohio Wesleyan University as an “Additional Insured” to Conference Services at least seven days prior to the event. There are numerous insurance carriers that can provide this type of coverage, including some home insurance companies, at very low rates. The Conference Services office can offer options to those who need them on this topic. Events will not take place on the Ohio Wesleyan University campus without this insurance requirement.

Cancellation of Scheduled Events

Ohio Wesleyan reserves the right to reject or cancel any reservation for any reason.

Cancellation by an outside group may be made by the requester 60 days prior for full refund of the rental fee, less a $150 non-refundable processing fee. If a cancellation is made between 30 and 59 days prior, 50% of the rental fee will be returned less the non-refundable processing fee. If a cancellation is made later than 30 days prior to the event, 100% of the rental fee will be retained by the University.


Internal Organizations

Internal organizations that use University facilities are not responsible for facility use costs; however all associated direct costs will be billed to a University budget account approximately 30 days after the event.

External Groups

External groups that use University facilities are responsible for facility use costs plus all associated direct costs. A deposit equaling the facility use fee is required immediately. A reservation is not considered confirmed until the deposit is received. The reservation will be cancelled if the facility use fee is not received within thirty (30 ) days of making the reservation. Direct costs will be billed approximately 30 days after the event. Interest will be charged at 1½% per month on any unpaid balance not received by the University within thirty (30) days after date of invoice.

Non-Use of Facility

Failure by an individual or organization to cancel a reservation will result in all fees incurred being billed to the individual or organization. A second failure to cancel may result in the individual or organization being barred from future use of University facilities.

Revoking Reservations

Approval for the use of any University facility may be revoked when facilities are misused, previous amounts owed the University are past due, or any of the provisions of the reservation procedures are violated. Future applications, or facility reservations already scheduled, will not be approved if the organizations’ scheduling privileges have been previously revoked for misuse.

Damage to Property

OWU furniture or equipment may not be removed or altered during the use of the facility. All decorations must be approved in advance by the Campus Reservations Coordinator. Decorations must be removed and the facility left in unmarked condition when the reservation is completed. The individual or organization shall be responsible for reimbursement to OWU for all repair and replacement costs arising from negligence or abuse.

Employee/Retiree Use of Facilities

Permanent, full-time employees of the University and benefits-eligible retirees may use University facilities at no charge. Events must be hosted by the employee for private, immediate family functions only and can not interfere with or supersede academic programming. (Immediate family includes spouse/partner, parents, children and step-children.) This benefit applies to facility rental fees only. All direct costs will be billed at the normal rates. All current Facility Use Policies, including scheduling requirements, must be followed. (OWU’s contracted employees are not eligible for this benefit.)

Rental Equipment Expenses

It is the responsibility of the sponsoring department or individual to acquire any necessary equipment that is not in OWU’s inventory. A list of approved vendors is available from the Campus Reservations Coordinator.

Vendor Tables

An external vendor must contract with the Campus Reservations Coordinator and all University Facility Use Policies apply accordingly. Vendor tables are $75 per day and are limited to the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Atrium area. Vendor tables may not be allowed during certain time periods. The University reserves the right to refuse access to any vendor, for any reason.

Credit Card Vendors

No credit card or related vendors and/or their display or promotional postings are permitted on University property.


Ohio Wesleyan University’s Dining Services has exclusive rights for catered events on campus that have food and beverage requirements. Food and drink will be allowed only in designated serving areas. Contact AVI Food Systems at 740-368-3287 or bishopcatering@owu.edu for information on their full-service catering options.

Exceptions may be granted ONLY by the Director of Dining Services. In no case will an exception be granted if a real danger exists in regard to health, sanitation, or good business practices. In no case will an exception be granted if previous exceptions have resulted in abuse of the spirit of this policy.

Alcohol on Campus

Alcohol beverages are considered an amenity for a social or business occasion and never the purpose or focus of the occasion. The University’s intention through these policies is to list the consequences attributed to irresponsible or illegal usage of alcohol on campus.

  1. In accordance with the State of Ohio Division of Liquor Control, a permit is required if a qualified organization intends to provide beer, wine, or spirituous liquor for sale by the drink or through the use of an entrance fee, cover charge, or similar consideration.
  2. No permit is required if an organization restricts access to only invited guests at a private function and intends to provide beer, wine, or spirituous liquor for which no alcoholic beverages are sold and no entrance fee, cover charge, or similar consideration is assessed.
  3. Temporary permits authorizing alcoholic beverage sales are available only to non-profit organizations for use at special events. Requests should be forwarded to the Ohio Department of Liquor Control at least 20 days prior to the event, and currently costs $150 per request. The approved Temporary Liquor Permit must be on display at the site where the alcoholic beverages are served. Neither the Campus Reservations Coordinator, Conference Services, Public Safety, nor Dining Services, is equipped to supply Permit Applications. Applications for Temporary Permit(s) for alcohol may be obtained through the Division of Liquor Control at:

    Ohio Department of Commerce
    Division of Liquor Control
    6606 Tussing Road
    P.O. Box 4005
    Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-9005
    (614) 644-3155
  4. Groups providing alcohol must, at their own expense, provide $1,000,000 of Alcohol Liability
    Insurance. You must provide a certificate of insurance that names Ohio Wesleyan University as an
    “Additional Insured” to Conference Services at least seven days prior to the event.


Alcoholic beverages may be served only to persons of legal age in accordance with current State of Ohio liquor enforcement laws. Neither the dining service provider providing the catering services nor OWU will receive any profit from the service of alcoholic beverages. The sole responsibility for properly identifying the age of the person before he or she is served any alcoholic beverages rests with the event sponsor or external organization. Ohio Wesleyan’s Dining Service and/or catering staff may not serve alcohol, under any circumstance, if alcohol is for sale by the drink or available through the use of an entrance fee, cover charge, or similar consideration.


The event sponsor must purchase any alcoholic beverages and deliver them to the site of the catered function. Dining Services is not permitted to purchase any alcoholic beverages.


Public Safety must be present at all events where alcohol is served. The ultimate responsibility for the event, and for all liability for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the event, rests with the event sponsor or with the external organization. The individual or organization will be billed for the cost associated with the presence of the Public Safety officer(s).

Public Safety has the ultimate authority at their discretion to shut down any unauthorized event, and/or any event that has not fulfilled necessary requirements, or any event where safety and/or security is threatened.

At events where alcohol is provided, food and non-alcoholic beverages MUST also be available in appropriate quantities.

Public Safety shall solely determine and control security arrangements including, but not limited to, the type, placement and use of security personnel, at the organization’s cost.

The University’s Alcohol Policy (PDF) applies to all student events.

Advertising and Promotion

Externally distributed promotion and advertising literature of either internal or external programs must be approved by the Office of University Communications prior to publication. An external organization may not use the University name, seal, logo or other University identification in advertising or promotion literature that states or implies such sanction or sponsorship of the event, except to list the location of the program, without OWU’s Office of University Communications’ written consent.

Copyright/Ownership Rights

The University’s Copyright Policy covering the ownership of patents, copyrights, and other rights in invention and in written and recorded material shall govern the production and distribution of conference related speeches, proceedings, recorded materials, and other publications.

Fire and Safety

A person or organization shall not utilize, or allow to be utilized on University premises, any open flame, burning candle or candles, in connection with any public meeting or gathering for purposes of amusement, deliberation, education, entertainment, instruction, recreation, worship, or similar purposes. Exceptions must be made in advance with the Campus Reservations Coordinator.

Smoking Policy

OWU policy prohibits smoking inside all University buildings.

Concealed Weapons Law

The state of Ohio allows qualified citizens to carry concealed weapons, but only if certain strict conditions are met. The Concealed Carry Law does not allow concealed weapons to be carried anywhere on the premises of a University unless the weapon is locked in an automobile or in the process of being locked in the automobile. It is illegal to carry a firearm, deadly weapon, or dangerous ordnance, anywhere on the premises of OWU.

Commercial Sales and Sampling

No commercial, profit making, or direct sales events are permitted on University property, except through vendors approved by the Campus Reservations Coordinator. University organizations cannot function as on-campus agents or representatives for commercial firms or enterprises. Sampling is the free distribution of a commercial product or souvenir for the purpose of promoting a product or service and must be pre-approved through the Campus Reservations Coordinator’s Office. Distribution of alcohol or tobacco products is expressly prohibited. The distributed item must be appropriate to the mission of the University, be procured through a safe method of distribution, and does not conflict with existing approved vendors currently under contract with OWU.

Food Sales/Donations/Fundraisers

University organizations may sell or distribute food only if they do so in conformity with the following procedures:

Food Sales/Fundraisers

  1. Food prepared by a University organization for bake sale fundraising activities may be sold
    when the space has been properly reserved through the Campus Reservations Coordinator.
  2. All food must be individually wrapped, enclosed beneath plastic, or otherwise be reasonably protected from unnecessary handling or other airborne contaminations.
  3. The University organization selling and distributing is responsible for normal cleaning of the sales site at the completion of the sales event.


  1. All donated food must be processed or prepared in a licensed food service operation, or in an establishment or place, meeting equivalent requirements of the Ohio Department of Health. A letter of donation from the licensed food operator to the Director of Dining Services must be provided ten (10) working days in advance of the event.
  2. When the Director of Dining Services has approved the donation, a Temporary Food Permit is required. A Temporary Food Permit can be obtained by applying to the city of Delaware’s General Health District a minimum of one week prior to the event, with the appropriate application/process fee:

    Delaware Public Health District
    1 West Winter Street
    Delaware, OH 43015
  3. A valid temporary food service license must be presented to the Campus Reservations Coordinator prior to the scheduled food event. If there is not a valid license the event will be cancelled.

Fundraising activities by OWU organizations are not permitted if the funds are designed solely to enrich an individual or commercial partner.

Free Speech and Information Area

The use of the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center JAYwalk is available to individuals or organizations wanting to exchange opinions as a freedom of speech location, or a non-commercial, information-only program. The space must be scheduled with the Campus Reservations Coordinator and shall be governed by all of the applicable provisions contained herein. Distribution by hand of literature or flyers, and the presence of information solicitors, is also limited to the JAYwalk area. The individual or organization cannot move to indoor facilities due to inclement weather. No individual or organization utilizing the JAYwalk may interfere with the normal daily activities of recognized official University related activities. The individual or organization is responsible for the cleaning of the site.

Computer Use

OWU is serviced by an 802.11n wireless network. Only computing devices that have been properly registered can be directly connected to the OWU network. Each authorized user is responsible for the registered device’s usage and activity originating from that device. To register, you must provide valid identification and contact the IS Help Desk at helpdesk@owu.edu or 740-368-3120.

Usage that violates any institutional, local, state, or federal rule, regulation, or law is prohibited by the University’s Computer Use Policy.

Users may not violate copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) through the unauthorized installation, distribution, or reproduction of any material that is defined by intellectual property rights. For more information, refer to the University’s Copyright Policy.

Personal information transmitted over the University network or stored on University-owned computers will be examined, with or without notice, only if the Chief Information Officer, in consultation with the Provost, believes that:

  • The integrity and/or security of the campus network has been compromised in an unacceptable
    manner; or
  • A violation of a local, state, or federal law or regulation has occurred; or
  • A violation of Ohio Wesleyan University’s Computer Use Policy has occurred.

Violators of this policy may be liable for civil and criminal prosecution, and it should be understood that nothing in this policy precludes enforcement under local, state, or federal laws or regulations.


This policy is intended to cover the physical posting of any information in public space on the OWU campus. OWU Departments may have their own exclusive policies that may compliment or refine, but not supersede, this policy.

  • Posters must include the who, what, where and why information about the event.
  • Posters or postings may not include the mention or advertising of alcohol or alcoholic beverages.
  • Only one piece of literature from each event will be posted per bulletin board.
  • Any literature posted on surfaces other than designated bulletin boards will be removed without exception.
  • All literature must be taken down and properly disposed of immediately following the event.
  • The organization will be responsible for incurred costs if labor is required for removal of postings.
  • Posters can not be larger than 11” x 17”.
  • Costs to repair any damage due to improperly posted materials will become the responsibility of the organization listed on the literature.
  • Political campaign material supporting any federal, state, or local political party, or politician, may not be posted except by registered student organizations.
  • Credit card promotional materials may not be posted.
  • Literature may not be posted longer than seven days.

Finance & Administration Contact Info

Carrie Abahazi, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance & Administration

61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3350
E cmabahazi@owu.edu