Instructions for OWU community members, scheduling OWU (not personal) events:

  • Visit schedule.owu.edu
  • Log in with your OWU username and password
  • When requesting space for an event select the ‘Events’ tab
  • Select ‘New – Event Request – Faculty/Staff/Students’
  • Complete the form and submit your request
  • Internal groups, please allow a minimum of three working days for your request to be processed
  • NEW!  Once your space is confirmed it is up to you to schedule your event needs

Catering: Bishopcatering@owu.edu

  • All catering needs are provided by AVI.  Please email catering as early as possible to make arrangements, but at least 7 days in advance of your event
  • AVI will try their best to accommodate requests for catering made within 7 days of an event, but cannot guarantee service

Room set-ups: cngordon@owu.edu

ABM provides the set-up for all campus events, please email Christina Gordon once your space is confirmed or at least 7 days in advance of your event 

Audio/Visual: mediacenter@owu.edu

  • To reserve athletic facilities, Beeghly Library, Chappelear Drama Center, Delaware Entrepreneurial Center, Media Center, Mowry Alumni Center, Ross Art Museum and Sanborn Hall, select the appropriate space from the drop-down menu and follow the instructions above, including scheduling all event needs

Do you have questions about the below facilities?

Athletics: Colin Parker, cdparker@owu.edu
Beeghly Library: Deanne Peterson, dmpeters@owu.edu
Chappelear Drama Center: Lisa Hill, lahill@owu.edu
Delaware Entrepreneurial Center: Megan Ellis, mrellis@owu.edu
Media Center: Elaine Chun, elchun@owu.edu
Mowry Alumni Center: Susan Zimmerman, sezimmerman@owu.edu
Ross Art Museum: Tammy Wallace, tpwallac@owu.edu
Sanborn Hall: Lisa Hill, lahill@owu.edu

Outside guests and OWU employees scheduling personal events

Per the University’s safe return to campus guidelines:

In general, large campus events should not occur this fall.  Attempts should be made to hold smaller-scale events, break-up larger events into smaller gatherings, hold some portions virtually, etc.  Group sizes are limited to a maximum of 50 people.

Please note that approvals are pending for fall semester campus requests until classrooms are assigned.  We hope to be able to begin scheduling for Spring Semester reservations in November, but please understand the need to be flexible as we navigate ever-changing circumstances.  Thank you in advance for your patience.

For outside guest and OWU employees scheduling personal events, please allow a minimum of ten working days for your request to be processed.

Need to make changes to your reservation, have questions or concerns? Please email reserve@owu.edu

Finance & Administration Contact Info

Carrie Abahazi, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance & Administration

61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3350
E cmabahazi@owu.edu