If you think you may have experienced a sexual assault, it is always your decision whether or not to report.  Even if you are unsure if you want to report the incident, consider the following for your well-being:

Obtaining immediate medical attention at Grady Hospital and a Sexual Assault Nurse Exam (SANE) kit.  To learn more about what to expect at the hospital and during the SANE kit click here

If there are other costs incurred by the visit, one can apply for reimbursement through the Attorney General's Victim of Crime Compensation fund by visiting this website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

 If you are unsure if you want to get a SANE medical exam, you can call Helpline's SARN at 800.684.2324 anytime to anonymously talk through your options or text Helpline at 898211.

If you are considering reporting to law enforcement click here for more information

Please refer to our Title IX and Clery webpage about student resources for more information and information about campus reporting options. 

 Not only are acts of sexual violence illegal, OWU has a University Policy on Sexual Misconduct and students who commit such acts, if reported, can be held responsible. No matter the circumstances that occurred, sexual violence is never your fault.


Talking to someone.  Why?

Research shows that when someone is able to speak about a stressful or traumatic event, it is less likely for this event to have significant mental health impacts later on. 

Please see Title IX's Resources for Students To learn about confidentiality when speaking to the following resources.
  • Calling the 24 hour, confidential sexual assault hotline can provide support as well as information on medical, reporting and legal options.
    • SARN (local)- 1-800-684-2324 or 740-369-3316
      • text 898211
    • RAINN (national) 1-800-656-HOPE
  • A trusted friend or family member can provide you with support and give you a chance to process the assault.
  • Public Safety on campus can provide you with a ride to the hospital (and you need not disclose the medical condition for which you are seeking care). They can also provide you with information about your legal options and arrange for you to speak with Delaware City Police.  You have an extended period of time to learn about your legal options and decide if you choose to file a report with law enforcement.  You can reach either by calling Public Safety at  740-368-2222 and Delaware Police at 911 or 740- 362-1111. Visit Title IX's webpage above to learn more about their reporting requirements. 
  • Residential Life Staff are always available to assist you with support and information. From 7pm-7am, contact your RA or Moderator at the phone number posted in your building. Visit Title IX's webpage above to learn more about their reporting requirements. 
  • The OWU Staff Counselors are a confidential resource available on campus to help support you. Call Counseling Services at 740-368-3145 for an appointment.  
  • Chaplain's Office is another confidential resource on campus. To learn more about Chaplain's Office Click Here
  • To learn more about supporting a friend or family member who has experienced sexual assault click here


Sometimes students are unsure if a sexual assault has occurred.  Any sexual activity needs to be consensual or it can be considered sexual assault.  Here is an excellent video to learn more about consent:

If you have experienced a sexual assault it was NOT your fault. You did not cause the violence. No matter if you were drinking, no matter what you were wearing -  no matter what. You are not responsible for another person's choices and actions. 


Contact Info


Counseling Services
Hamilton Williams Campus Center #324
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3145

Hours of Operation

M-F   8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.