Can counseling help me?
Counseling Services is here to help you make the most of your college experience. If you believe personal or professional issues are interfering with your success, then counseling can help.
Counseling Services is here to help you make the most of your college experience. If you believe personal or professional issues are interfering with your success, then counseling can help.
While many of us have friends or family members with whom we can talk, it is often difficult for these individuals to remain objective and they typically lack the training of a skilled professional. Counselors at our center are trained to listen objectively and nonjudgmentally. Your counselor will help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and options while providing unbiased support.
Students come to counseling for all sorts of reasons. Some are struggling with academics and/or relationship conflict. Others may be overly stressed or anxious, down or depressed, or are struggling with handling things on their own. A student also may be dealing with a life event like being away from home for the first time, the death of a loved one, or a traumatic experience. Counseling can be a helpful outlet with these and many other kinds of struggles.
Short-term counseling services are free to all Ohio Wesleyan students. Long-term or intensive psychotherapy is not covered. When it is indicated or desired, arrangements are made on an individual basis for referral to local therapists in private practice. The costs for such therapy are borne by the student or by his/her insurance carrier.
Because every situation is different, we do not have a set number of times a student can be seen by one of our therapists. However, Counseling Services treatment philosophy is based on a brief treatment model.
Some issues you bring to Counseling Services warrant more time and attention than we can offer. If longer-term counseling is indicated, you will be referred to a private practitioner in the community. Our staff will work with you to find good quality, financially accessible referral sources in the community. Ohio Wesleyan is fortunate to have a number of excellent mental health counselors working in private practice within a short walk of campus. These practitioners are experienced in working with college students and the issues that arise during college years.
In accordance with Ohio law, communication between counselors and clients is privileged. Written permission is required for information to be released to any person or agency outside Counseling Services. Exceptions are made only in the event of danger to your physical safety, to the safety of others, if you disclose information regarding a child or elderly person who is at risk of being harmed, or when the law requires.
Counseling Services is conveniently located in Room 324 on the third floor of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. You may stop into the office during our regular business hours to schedule an appointment or phone us at 740-368-3145.