The Columbus Initiative

You are able to serve as a tutor and role model for inner-city children at Linden Elementary School in this service-learning program that strives to raise academic performance, self-esteem and aspirations.  We provide training, transportation, and on-site supervision, as well as a work-study stipend.

Buckeye Valley Reads

This program gives you the opportunity to make a difference for third graders in rural Delaware County who need one-on-one help with their reading skills.  We provide training, transportation, and on-site supervision, as well as a stipend for students who are eligible for federal work-study.

After-School Tutoring Programs

A partnership program with 21st Century Learning Centers, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Delaware County Literacy Coalition, you are able to provide academic support, mentoring, and role-modeling for children who attend after-school programs at Woodward and Conger Elementary Schools, Willis Intermediate School, William Street United Methodist Church, and Dempsey Middle School.


— Coordinated by professor Donna Donnelly

The Language Exchange Alliance of Delaware is a unique educational service-learning program that pairs Spanish majors and minors with members of the Delaware Hispanic/Latino community for one-on-one language exchanges. The purpose of the program is for all members to improve language skills in their non-native language. The additional benefits are the cross-cultural understanding that is gained and the friendships that are formed.

Latino Outreach

Be part of a student-led campus/community collaboration to provide support for Delaware Latino families through translation services, ESL tutoring, and other outreach activities.

Willis Big Brothers & Big Sisters

You can make a huge difference in a child’s life by giving as little as two hours a week to this school-based mentoring program. Big Brothers Big Sisters provides background checks, training, and on-site supervision. Willis Intermediate School provides the little brothers and sisters and match support.

Spring Break Mission Week

You can respectfully experience another culture with thoughtful emphasis on servant leadership, social justice, spirituality, and community service. All of the projects are student-initiated, faculty/staff-advised, and require extensive year-long preparation including fundraising. Mission teams have been to New Orleans, Detroit, North Carolina, El Salvador, and the Texas/Mexico Border.



Held each year on the first Sunday of October, the Delaware CROP Walk has long been a campus/community event to raise money and awareness for Church World Service. This non-denominational aid organization has been in existence for more than 60 years providing global disaster relief, refugee relocation, and sustained self-help programs.

Bowl for Kids Sake

An annual fundraiser to support the OWU / Willis Big Brothers Big Sisters program, this “all Ohio Wesleyan” event takes place in early spring at the Delaware Lanes bowling establishment. Teams from OWU service clubs, Small Living Units, sororities and fraternities, faculty and staff compete for prizes and trophies while supporting a very worthy cause.

The BODO Initiative

The Bodo Initiative (BI) was founded in December 2007 by Lydia Spitalny ’09, as a branch of Education for the Future Foundation. The BI currently provides funding for 14 Kenyan students to continue their studies. Lydia started the Bodo Initiative in response to the lack of educational opportunities in Bodo, largely due to poverty. She spent a month in Bodo Village researching the topic, and through conversations with parents, students, and teachers, decided that something needed to be done to help children access post-primary education. Visit the Bodo Initiative online to learn more about this worthy enterprise and to make a donation.



Contact Info


Community Service Learning Center
Slocum Hall 306
75 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3084

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